
January 2, 2022

Trevor Proctor's Top 25 Singles, EPs, Splits and Demos of 2021.


Thankfully the underground continues to thrive during these strange times, in 2021 gigs were few and far between but at least things seem to slowly be getting back to a small degree of normality and bands are continuing to release music of the highest standard.

With regards to Kolkata I previously stated, "Kolkata, West Bengal has brought some of the very best extreme underground music of recent times. With TetragrammacideAparthiva Raktadhara and Kapala all originating from the area there's no doubting the significant impact Kolkata continues to have on the underground." Thankfully the growth and output from Kolkata continues with two releases featured on this listing and I'm sure Kolkata's dominance within the underground will continue for many years to come.

I hope you enjoy some of the releases here that you may have missed during the year. My Top 25 album listing was recently posted and keep checking back to this page as in the coming weeks I'll be posting guest Top 10 release listings by PK from Iron Bonehead ProductionsAlly Ripley (The Lash) and SS from Cyclopean Eye Productions.

As always, my total gratitude and thanks are with you the reader, every like, share and comment mean everything so thanks again, Trevor.

25. Crucifixion RitualGouging the Eyes of Angelic Purity - Invictus Productions.

Debut release from Ireland's Crucifixion Ritual.

24. Hecatomb Horrid InvocationsInvictus Productions.

Originally released independently in 2020 this debut demo reached a much wider audience when Invictus Productions release it on digital, CD + vinyl formats in May.

23. Tempter's SacramentTemptation Steel ScourgeInvictus Productions.

The second release from Tempter's Sacrament and follow up to last year's Putrid Triumph demo.

22. Misotheismus Untitled IIDarker than Black Records /  Iron Bonehead Productions.

One of four releases from Misotheismus this year.


21. Katavasia Invoking the Spirit of Doom Iron Bonehead Productions.

Follow up to 2020's album Magnus Venator 

20. Abhorration After Winter Comes WarInvictus Productions.

Debut release from Norway's Abhorration.

19. Sacrifixion Shower Me in DeathHells Headbangers Records.

Debut release form Germany's Sacrifixion.

18. Adder Knelt Upon Wreaths of GarnetIndependent.

Released independently by Adder on the 1st of January 2021, this is another exceptional track from one of the U.K.'s most promising bands of recent years.

17. Predictor ...Thus Spoke Death  - Iron Bonehead Productions.

Second release from Germany's Predictor.

16. Exsul Allegoresis Caligari Records.

Second release and follow up to last year's self-titled EP.

15. Aberration Aberration Sentient Ruin Laboratories

Debut release from Aberration but based on this they're a band most definitely worth following for future releases.

14. Black Ceremonial Kult Crowned in ChaosGodz ov War Productions.

First new material since the exceptional Unapproachable Laws of the Abyss split which they shared with Wargoat in 2018.

13. Konflict - Subjugation I & II - War Vellum.

Released in November by one of the best underground labels of recent years - War Vellum.

12. Ascended Dead / Atomicide  - Split Dark Descent Records.

Unmissable split featuring two of the underground's most consistent bands.

11. Coscradh Mesradh MachaeInvictus Productions.

First new material from Coscradh since the Of Death and Delirium EP which was released in 2017. 

10. Sacrocurse - Supreme TerrorShadow RecordsRegain Records.

This was a highly anticipated release for me as it was the first new material from Sacrocurse in over three years, following the release of their second album Gnostic Holocaust which was released in 2017.

9. Kapala Doomsday RequiemDunkelheit Produktionen.

Kapala is another example of a band from Kolkata that has brought us a steady stream of first class releases from their debut single Homosapiennihilation was released on digital formats in 2017. Previous articles posted about Kapala can be accessed here

8. Cultes des Ghoules - Eyes of Satan - Under the Sign of Garazel Productions / Devil Worship Music.

Second EP from Cultes des Ghoules released simultaneously with the Deeds Without a Name EP.

7. VøidwombAltars of Cosmic DevotionIron Bonehead Productions.

First physical release from Portugal's Vøidwomb, with the cassette edition released by Sunshine Ward Recordings in July.

6. Dominum InferumReviling - Nuclear War Now! Productions.

 Dominum Inferum marks the re-birth of Domini Inferi, with the legend that is Ryan Förster performing all instruments and vocals.

5. Nadsvest  Necrobode  Ustoličenje smrti / O triunfo da morteUnder the Sign of Garazel ProductionsIron Bonehead Productions.

Necrobode's follow up to 2020's debut album, Sob o Feitiço do Necrobode, which was placed at number five in my Top 25 album listing for that year. Second release from Serbia's Nadsvest following 2019's Kolo ognja i železa EP

4. Malgöth Primordial DawnIron Bonehead Productions.

Primordial Dawn was Malgöth's debut release that originally came out on digital formats only in November 2020 - it was on the release of the vinyl edition that it reached a much wider audience. A cassette edition was also released by Life After Death in August.

3. Brahmastrika Abhabaniyastral SamsarimplicationDunkelheit Produktionen.

Releases from bands associated with Kolkata have featured a number of times here at The Lair of Filth  and it's great to see Kolkata's underground continue to bring us some the the best music.

2. Black Cilice Tomb Emanations - Iron Bonehead Productions.

Follow up to 2019's album, Transfixion of Spirits which also featured in my Top 25 album listing for that year.

1. Cultes des Ghoules -  Deeds Without a NameUnder the Sign of Garazel Productions / Devil Worship Music.

Deeds Without a Name was the first of two simultaneous EP releases for Cultes des Ghoules in 2021.

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