
January 30, 2022

Guest 2021 Top 10 Release Listing - SS From Cyclopean Eye Productions.


Guest 2021 Top 10 Release Listing - SS From Cyclopean Eye Productions.

Article posted by Trevor Proctor.

As I've said a number of times one of the benefits of being involved with The Lair of Filth is creating ties and friendships with labels, bands and promoters. For me this has definitely been the case with SS from Cyclopean Eye Productions who I've known for many years and shared a few beer with on a number of occasions, SS is an ardent supporter of the underground and one of the friendliest people I've had the pleasure of meeting. 
As I stated on SS' Top 10 listing last year, "Cyclopean Eye Productions remains one of the most important labels of recent years - let's not forget this was the first label to release music from Genocide Shrines and Jyotiṣavedāṅga and with SS assuring me 2022 will be a strong year for the label Cyclopean Eye Productions will remain a force within our underground for many years to come."

Sijjin Sumerian Promises - Sepulchral Voice Records.

Featuring two members from Necros ChristosSijjin's debut release the Angel of the Eastern Gate demo received widespread critical acclaim on it's release in 2019 - this is their first release since then.

There's no doubt whatsoever that Archgoat remains one of the underground's most consistent bands, since formation in 1991 they've continued to bring us music of a very high standard. Worship the Eternal Darkness is Archgoat's fifth studio album following 2018's The Luciferian Crown.

Funeral Mist - Deiform Norma Evangelium Diaboli.

Follow up to 2018's album, Hekatomb.

Ofermod - Mysterium Iniquitatis Shadow Records.

Fifth full length from Sweden's Ofermod.

Hooded Menace - Tritonus Bell Season of Mist.

First original material since 2018's  Ossuarium Silhouettes Unhallowed.

Proscriptor McGovern’s Apsû - S/T - Agonia_Records.

Debut album since the demise of the original Absu in January 2020.

Graveland - Hour of Ragnarok - Inferna Profundus RecordsThe Oath / Forever Plagued Records.

First album from Graveland since 2018's Dawn of Iron Blades.

StarGazer - Psychic SecretionsNuclear War Now! Productions.

Fourth album and first since 2014's A Merging to the Boundless.

Hyperdontia- Hideous EntityMe Saco un Ojo RecordsDark Descent RecordsDesiccated Productions.

Second album and follow up to 2018's Nexus of Teeth.

Mortiferum - Preserved in Torment - Profound Lore Records.

Second album and follow up to 2019's Disgorged from Psychotic Depths.

Links to Cyclopean Eye Productions:



Big Cartel.

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