
February 13, 2021

Nekkrofukk - Mysterious Rituals in the Abyss of Sabbath & Eternal Celebration of the Blakk Goat - Press Release + Double Track Stream.


Press Release by Nathan T Birk.

Article posted by Trevor Proctor.

On March 30th, Putrid Cult is proud to present Nekkrofukk's highly anticipated fourth album, Mysterious Rituals in the Abyss of Sabbath & Eternal Celebration of the Blakk Goat.
One of the most iconic bands of the modern Polish metal underground, for nearly a decade now, Nekkrofukk have been pursuing an extremely dark 'n' deranged form of blackened doom that harkens back to black metal's earliest and most unorthodox days.
Nekkrofukk is the sole work of ultra-prolific maniac Lord K., renown for DeathEpoch, Goathrone, and Deathvasstator among many others. But ultimately, Nekkrofukk is his most personal vehicle of expression, and hereby has he spit disgust upon the cross over the course of four EPs, three full-lengths, and even a live album. 
The triumph of death rises again in the form of Nekkrofukk's fourth full-length, Mysterious Rituals in the Abyss of Sabbath & Eternal Celebration of the Blakk Goat.

Demanding much from the listener but caring not one bit for one's comfort, the tongue-twisting Mysterious Rituals in the Abyss of Sabbath & Eternal Celebration of the Blakk Goat sees Lord K. taking Nekkrofukk in a direction that's both catchier and more evilly experimental. 
Like Beherit and Barathrum drowning together in glue or Faustcoven covering Mortuary Drape and Mystifier simultaneously, matters move malevolently and s-l-o-w-l-y here, yet the wealth of textural twists applied puts Nekkrofukk in rarefied company. 
Of course, it's massive and ugly - or, simply, MASSIVELY UGLY - and keeps its nose firmly within the closed borders of heavy metal, but that doesn't mean Mysterious Rituals in the Abyss of Sabbath & Eternal Celebration of the Blakk Goat sacrifices any otherworldly experience.
Indeed, to "experience" Nekkrofukk here is to submit to sin and the darkest of arts, to open one's third eye and be blinded by boundless darkness absolute. Or, one could merely be CRUSHED underfoot by the album's ominous plod & matters not to Lord K.

Nekkrofukk have stood as one of the pillars of Putrid Cult since the beginning, and the blood pact grows even thicker with the heightened expectations placed upon Mysterious Rituals in the Abyss of Sabbath & Eternal Celebration of the Blakk Goat. If you want blood, you got it!

01 - The Great Beast Speaks
02 - Summoning of Azrael
03 - Kkursed Gathering of Sabbath
04 - Devil's Blood Injection
05 - Śpiewając Psalm Śmierci
06 - Vlci Zena.

Mysterious Rituals in the Abyss of Sabbath & Eternal Celebration of the Blakk Goat by Nekkrofukk will be available on CD + digital formats via Putrid Cult from the 30th of March and can be pre-ordered by following this link.

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