
January 10, 2021

Guest 2020 Top 25 Release Listing - Ally Ripley. (The Lash)


Guest 2020 Top 25 Release Listing - Ally Ripley. (The Lash)

Article posted by Trevor Proctor.

With Ally's list performing so well last year it was obvious I should ask him to compile another Top 25 for 2020. Whilst you may not recognise his name I can think of no one who supports the underground more through music purchases and gig attendance that is second to none.
As Covid caused gig after gig and tour after tour to be cancelled most of us made it to very few shows in 2020, yet by March alone this man had clocked up more gigs and festivals than most make it to in a year. His gig attendance as far as March included FinnfestHell Over Hammaburg FestivalLive Evil Festival and Cataleptic Rites Festival, along with a string of gigs including Testament, Grand Magus, and Batushka + Malevolent Creation - and that's just his highlights! However, just like everyone Ally's travels were affected by the pandemic with many flights, gigs and festivals being cancelled or postponed during the rest of the year. 
Another of the shit side effects of 2020 was seeing less of the people we're closest to and this was the case for me and Ally, who we see as a member of our family - we only caught up twice for drinks during the year due to lock-downs etc but you can rest assured that will be put right as soon as we get the chance...anyway, his Top 25 is listed below and makes for very interesting reading as there's bound to be a few releases you may have missed during the year - as always my eternal thanks to you the reader for your enduring support!

Previous top release listings for 2020:

Trevor Proctor's Top 25 Singles, EPs, Splits and Demos of 2020.

Trevor Proctor's Top 25 Albums of 2020.

Guest 2020 Top 10 Release Listing - PK From Iron Bonehead Productions.

25. Rope Sect - The Great Flood - Iron Bonehead Productions.

Highly anticipated second album from Germany's Rope Sect.

24. Cult of Fire - Moksha / NirvanaBeyond Eyes.

Two albums released separately on digital formats in February but combined together as a 2 x CD + DLP - their first album since 2013's मृत्यु का तापसी अनुध्यान.

23. Ossuary - Supreme Degradation - Ruptured Fetus Productions.

Compilation featuring Ossuary's previous two demos.

22. Oranssi Pazuzu - Mestarin KynsiNuclear BlastBrutal Panda Records.

Fifth album from Oranssi Pazuzu.

21. Death Epoch - Abysmal Invocation - Putrid Cult.

Not to everyone's taste but most definitely worth your attention.

20. Gorephilia - In the Eye of NothingMe Saco un Ojo RecordsDark Descent Records.

Third album from Gorephilia and follow up to 2017's Severed Monolith.

19. Akhlys Melinoë Debemur Morti Productions.

Akhlys' third album, and follow up to 2015's 'The Dreaming I.'

18. Venomous Skeleton - Drowning in CirclesArgento Records Everlasting Spew Records.

Debut album from Venomous Skeleton who are based in Tel Aviv.

17. Void Rot - Descending PillarsEverlasting Spew RecordsSentient Ruin Laboratories.

Another debut album.

16. Malokarpatan - Krupinské OhneInvictus Productions.

Highly anticipated third album from Slovakia's Malokarpatan.

15. Khthoniik Cerviiks - Æquiizoiikum Iron Bonehead Productions.

Highly anticipated second album and follow up to 2015's 'SeroLogiikal Scars (Vertex of Dementiia)' from Khthoniik Cerviiks

14. Front Antichrist Militia - Iron Bonehead Productions.

Front's first new music since their debut album Iron Overkill was released in 2016 via Iron Bonehead Productions. (Antichrist Militia was also released on cassette by Funeral Hymns Records in October.)

13. Acherontas Psychic Death - The Shattering of Perceptions - Agonia Records.

Eighth album from one of the underground's most dedicated bands, Acherontas.

 12. Ulcerate - Stare into Death and Be StillDebemur Morti Productions.

Highly praised by both media and fans alike, Ulcerate's sixth album.

11. Perdition Temple - Sacraments of Descension - Hells Headbangers Records.

Third album from Perdition Temple.

10. Bloodsoaked Necrovoid Expelled into the Unknown Depths of the Unfathomable  - Iron Bonehead Productions.

Another debut album, this time from Costa Rica's Bloodsoaked Necrovoid

9. Of Feather and Bone - Sulfuric Disintegration - Profound Lore Records.

Third album from one of Colorado's best bands.

8.  Inquisition - Black Mass for a Mass GraveAgonia Records.

Eighth album from Inquisition, their first since 2016.

7. Dearthe -  Dispirited Obscurity - Bloodforge.

First physical release for Australia's Dearthe - a release you may have missed and one that's also definitely worthy of your support.

6. Undergang - Aldrig I Livet Dark Descent RecordsExtremely Rotten Productions / Me Saco un Ojo RecordsNoxious Ruin.

First Undergang album since 2017.

5. Revenge Strike.Smother.Dehumanize Season of Mist Underground Activists.

The first Revenge album since Behold.Total.Rejection which was released in 2015.

4.Black Curse - Endless Wound - Sepulchral Voice Records.

Debut album from Colorado's Black Curse.

3. Removed

2. Nyogthaeblisz Abrahamic Godhead Besieged by Adversarial Usurpation - Hells Headbangers.

One of the strongest debut albums of recent years - released late December 2019 but included here as no copies were available at the time of writing last year's listings.

1. Temple Nightside - Pillars of Damnation - Iron Bonehead Productions.

Fourth album from one of the Australia's greatest ever bands.

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