
December 30, 2020

Guest 2020 Top 10 Release Listing - PK From Iron Bonehead Productions.


Guest 2020 Top 10 Release Listing - PK from Iron Bonehead Productions.

Article posted by Trevor Proctor.

With two previous posts from PK for The Lair of Filth (an interview with myself in 2015 + a guest Top 10 listing last year) remaining two of the site's most successful articles I was never in any doubt that I'd ask PK to submit another Top 10 for 2020.
In the introduction to my Top 25 album listing I referred to existing ties with labels being strengthened and I can think of no other label that supports my work here at The Lair of Filth more than Iron Bonehead Productions - my eternal thanks and gratitude go to PK + Iron Bonehead Productions for this support, and also for taking the time to compile this list.

As with all articles here at The Lair of Filth any text in red is a link that will take you straight to the relevant page, be it band, release or label. In the coming weeks we'll be featuring two further guest release listings for 2020 from Alan Ripley + SS from Cyclopean Eye Productions.

Previous top release listings for 2020:

Trevor Proctor's Top 25 Singles, EPs, Splits and Demos of 2020.

Trevor Proctor's Top 25 Albums of 2020.

In no particular order here's PK's top 10 releases for 2020:

Grendel's Syster - Myrtle Wreath - Cruz del SurHoove Child Records /Independent.

Second EP release from Stuttgart's Grendel's Syster.

Rob Coffinshaker's Underground Fire - Ashes of Life - Critical Mass Recordings.

Long awaited debut from Rob Coffinshaker's Underground Fire.

GUT - Disciples of SmutSplatter Zombie Records.

First release for GUT since 2010.

Incantation - Sect of Vile DivinitiesRelapse Records.

Twelfth album from Incantation who are the one of the most, if not the most, prolific Death Metal bands ever.

Göden - Beyond DarknessSvart Records

Debut album from New York's Göden.

Revenge Strike.Smother.Dehumanize Season of Mist Underground Activists.

First full length from Revenge since 2015's Behold Total Rejection. The only other release from Revenge since 2015 was their 2018 EP, 'Deceiver​.​Diseased​.​Miasmic.' 

AC / DC - Power Up - Columbia Records / Sony Australia.

The band's first album since the death of co-founder and rhythm guitarist Malcolm Young in 2017 and it serves as a tribute to him, according to his brother Angus.

Lamia Vox - Alles ist Ufer. Ewig ruft das Meer - Cyclic Law.

Kommodus - KommodusGoatowaRex

Debut full length from Australia's Kommodus.

VoidCeremony - Entropic Reflections Continuum: Dimensional Unravel - 20 Buck Spin.

Another highly anticipated debut album.

Iron Bonehead Productions:




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