
January 26, 2020

Jude Felton's Top 25 Albums of 2019.

2018 was the first year, in quite a few, where I neglected to post my top albums list. This was mainly due to time and other external issues, but it was a shame because last year slayed, in terms of music.

Thankfully, 2019 has been an absolute motherfucker of a year. So much so that this list almost never happened. There was just so much good shit out there, that it made it almost impossible to decide on, what ended up being, my top 25 albums.
I listened to, with no exaggeration, 100's of albums during 2019 and it has been really tough to omit some that I have. Shit, we could easily have had a top 50 or 100. In all honesty, having not seen or spoken about it, I can guess that Trevor and my list will differ greatly. There might possibly be 1 or 2 that make both lists, but on the whole I'm sure they'll just enhance the fact of how good 2019 has been. 

I'd love to have written a little about each of the albums listed below but, due to doing all this by phone, it would drive me insane. All I'll say is that they are my favorites of the year, have had the most plays and I think are just great fucking albums. Hunt them down, check them out and see what you think. Here's to 2020 being a great year, thanks to Trevor Proctor for being the rock that he is; I appreciate it all my brother.

Horns up motherfuckers!!

(Please also see the end of this listing for further year-end lists from The Lair of Filth)

25. Venereal Baptism - Repugnant Coronation of the Beast - Osmose Productions.

24. Valosta Varjoon - Oberpfälzer Wald - Purity Through Fire.

23. Vitriol - To Bathe from the Throat of Cowardice - Century Media.

22. Spirit Adrift - Divided by Darkness - 20 Buck Spin.

21. Bryan Eckermann - Zychodia - Self-release.

20. Malum - Legion - Purity Through Fire.

18. Fulci - Tropical Sun - Time to Kill Records.

17. Vastum - Orificial Purge - 20 Buck Spin.

16. Dødsfall - Doden Skal Ikke Vente - Osmose Productions.

15. Bewitcher - Under the Witching Cross - Shadow Kingdom Records.

14. Acid Reign - The Age of Entitlement - Dissonance Productions.

11. Ehlder - Nordabetraktelse - Nordvis Produktion.

10. False - Portent - Gilead Media.

9. Temple Koludra - Seven! Sirens! To a Lost Archetype - Transcending Obscurity Records.

7. Fatal Curse - Breaking the Trance - Shadow Kingdom Records.

6. Idle Hands - Mana - Eisenwald.

5. Fen - The Dead Light - Code666 / Aural Music.

4. Bednja - Doline Su Ostale Iza Nas - Transcending Obscurity Records.

3. Iapetus - The Body Cosmic - Self-release.

Further year-end listings at The Lair of Filth:

Please like The Lair of Filth Facebook Page to keep up to date with future articles.

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