To date the Lair of Filth has hosted two 2019 album/release listings - my Top 25 Album Listing and a Guest Top 10 Release Listing from Iron Bonehead Productions' PK.
When I came up with the idea of hosting guest listings a few names instantly came to mind and one of those was Ally Ripley (The Lash) - a name you may not be familiar with but if you went to any of the main underground festivals or shows in the past year there's a fair chance you've bumped into him for a beer or six at some stage.
The miles this man clocks up during any year going to gigs is phenomenal with A Thousand Lost Civilizations Festival, Netherlands Deathfest IV, Maryland Deathfest XVII, Destroying Texas Fest 15, Stonehenge Festival, Never Surrender Festival Vol II, Mass Destruction Fest Vol III and Eindhoven Metal Meeting being just a few of his highlights from 2019 - along with a further 29 gigs/festivals he attended during the year. Not only a close mate who's regarded as family, he's also the main person I go to gigs with - if I'm at a gig you can rest assured he's probably there too, most likely propping up the bar ....
The miles this man clocks up during any year going to gigs is phenomenal with A Thousand Lost Civilizations Festival, Netherlands Deathfest IV, Maryland Deathfest XVII, Destroying Texas Fest 15, Stonehenge Festival, Never Surrender Festival Vol II, Mass Destruction Fest Vol III and Eindhoven Metal Meeting being just a few of his highlights from 2019 - along with a further 29 gigs/festivals he attended during the year. Not only a close mate who's regarded as family, he's also the main person I go to gigs with - if I'm at a gig you can rest assured he's probably there too, most likely propping up the bar ....
However, not only is he an ardent supporter of the underground he's also one of the most knowledgeable people I've ever met with regards to metal, and also someone I've learnt a lot from, so his album listing certainly makes for interesting reading....
Next we'll be featuring Jude's Top 25 album listing with a Top 10 to follow the week after by SS from Cyclopean Eye Productions, along with Press Releases for 2020 in between. Granted, that's a total of five listings for 2019 but with them all being from very different people with differing tastes/perspectives they most definitely make for some varied reading and listening.
Next we'll be featuring Jude's Top 25 album listing with a Top 10 to follow the week after by SS from Cyclopean Eye Productions, along with Press Releases for 2020 in between. Granted, that's a total of five listings for 2019 but with them all being from very different people with differing tastes/perspectives they most definitely make for some varied reading and listening.
Despite releasing music since 1992, this is only Denial of God's third album, follow up to 2012's 'Death and the Beyond,' which was also released by Hells Headbangers.
23. Waylander - Ériú's Wheel - Listenable Records.
Fifth album from Northern Ireland's Waylander.
Second full length from Crypt Sermon and follow up to 2015's 'Out of the Garden.'
21. Possessed - Revelations of Oblivion - Nuclear Blast + Ward Records.
First studio album from Possessed since the 1986 album, 'Beyond the Gates.'
Release in October with very little hype or publicity.
Blood Incantation's second album, and one of the year's most anticipated releases.
First studio album from Atlantean Kodex since 2013.
Ireland has a very strong underground and this is the country's finest release from 2019.
First album since 2015's release, 'Gesundrian.'
15. Ares Kingdom - By the Light of Their Destruction - Nuclear War Now! Productions + Headsplit Records.
First studio album since 2015's 'The Unburiable Dead.'
14. Tomb Mold – Planetary Clairvoyance - 20 Buck Spin.
Tomb Mold's third album in three years.
Fantastic follow up to the 2016 album, 'Remnants of Expansion.'
Fifth full length album from these Chilean underground legends.
11. Barshasketh - Barshasketh - World Terror Committee.
Easily the best UK Black Metal release from 2019.
10. Vacivus - Annihilism - Profound Lore Records.
Vacivus' follow up to their 2017 album, 'Temple of the Abyss.'
9. Nocturnus AD - Paradox - Profound Lore Records.
Unbelievable return to form for Nocturnus AD with 'Paradox.'
Second album and follow up to 2015's 'Söngvar elds og óreiðu.'
Only one of two releases to feature on both my album listing and the guest listing from Iron Bonehead Productions' PK.
Fifth album from Portugal's Black Cilice.
First output from Poland's Doombringer since 2015 album, 'The Grand Sabbath.'
First album in six years from Officium Triste.
3. Holocausto - Diário de Guerra - Nuclear War Now! Productions + InCoffin Productions + Pub Metal Shop.
The second of two releases to feature on both my album listing and the guest listing from Iron Bonehead Productions' PK.
Fourth album from Abyssal.
1. MGLA - Age of Excuse - Northern Heritage Records + No Solace.
Follow up to 2015's album, 'Exercises in Futility.'
First album in eight years from the UK's Esoteric.
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