
August 11, 2019

Abhor (Italy) / Abysmal Grief - Legione Occulta / Ministerium Diaboli split 12" MLP - Press Release + MLP Stream.

Press Release by Nathan T Birk.

Article posted by Trevor Proctor.

Iron Bonehead Productions is proud to present a special split mini-album between Italy's Abhor and Abysmal Grief, respectively titled Legione Occulta / Ministerium Diaboli, on 12" vinyl format.

Drawing together two of Italy's longest-running cults, this split MLP seethes with an otherworldly atmosphere and, fittingly for both bands' country of origin, a concerted sense of excommunication and blasphemy. Abhor occupy Side A with two exclusive tracks.

As one of Italy's oldest black metal bands, their expression here emits an ancient magick, no doubt enhanced by their trademark mystical organ.

But Abhor's more lumbering, doomish tracks find a perfect counterpart in Abysmal Grief, arguably Italy's foremost purveyors of traditional doom. On Side B, fittingly do Abysmal Grief deliver a 13-minute epic of olde-worlde horror that patiently sets its malodorous mood and draws the listener deeper in this phantasmagoric experience.

01 - Abhor - Legione Occulta
02 - Abhor - Possession Obsession
03 - Abysmal Grief - Ministerium Diaboli.

Legione Occulta ​/​ Ministerium Diaboli by Abhor & Abysmal Grief is available here on MLP and also available here on Digital Formats.

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