
December 14, 2017

Trevor Proctor's Top 25 singles, EPs and demos of 2017.

As with previous years the releases we were treated to during 2017 made for some very difficult decisions in order to keep this list to 25. During the year we were bombarded with quality releases from all corners of the globe as our underground continues to thrive and grow. As stated in the introduction to my singles, EPs and demos listing for 2016 I've included the unbeatable 'Extermination Mass' by Death Worship in my list for 2017 as despite having a limited release at the Nuclear War Now! V 'fest in November 2016 it was February 2017 when it received it's full world-wide release via Nuclear War Now! Productions. The same principle applies to the inclusion of the fantastic MLP from Vomit Angel, 'Sadomatic Evil,' as it received a very limited cassette release at the end of 2016 but it was March 2017 before it received a full, higher profile release on digital, CD & vinyl MLP formats by Iron Bonehead Productions. 'Act of Invocation' by Disembowel is also included as it had previously received a very limited independent release in Chile before receiving a full worldwide release from Iron Bonehead Productions in 2017.
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank every band, label and promoter that has supported The Lair of Filth this year - it's the support, ties, friendships and alliances that I have  made with you all that helps make this worthwhile. 
Finally, I'd like to thank you, the reader for your continued support - every single view and post share mean the world to me so thank you.....hopefully you'll see something below that you may have missed during the year.

25. 13th Moon + Ritual Death - Mors Triumphans - Triangulum Ignis.

24. Svartidauði - Untitled - Ván Records.

22. Uttertomb -  Necrocentrism: The Necrocentrist - Apocalyptic ProductionsCaligari Records.

20. Hexen Holocaust - Heretical Dreadful Orgies - Magister Dixit.

19. Sinmara - Within the Weaves of Infinity - Terratur Productions.

18. Miserist - Miserist - Krucyator Productions.

17. Oraculum - Always Higher - Invictus Productions.

15. Devouring Star - Antihedron - Dark Descent Records.

14. One Tail, One Head - Firebirds b/w Prowess - Terratur Possessions.

12. Summon - Aesthetics of Demise - Iron Bonehead Productions.

10. Coscradh - Of Death and Delirium - Invictus Productions.

9. Disembowel - Act Of Invocation (2017 Re-issue) - Iron Bonehead Productions.

8. Barshasketh + Outre - Sein / Zeit  - Third Eye Temple.

7. Cryptworm - Cryptworm - Goatprayer Records.

6. Disma - The Graveless Remains - Profound Lore Records.

5. Cruciamentum - Paradise Envenomed - Profound Lore Records.

3. Vacivus - Nuclear Chaos - Goatprayer Records.

Vacivus was interviewed here in April, just follow this link for an in-depth interview with this U.K. based Death Metal group that continues their rise to prominence. 

'Sadomatic Evil' was reviewed here in February and has had many plays since then. "Each track is a full on, high tempo primeval assault laced with filth, depravity and unpleasantness and as you’d expect the pace is fairly relentless with no let-up.... Since getting the Sadomator box set in December I’ve spent quite a bit of time listening to their music and thankfully Vomit Angel’s music is of a standard high enough to continue the legacy of these underground pioneers. Throw in the fact this is the first time Necrodevil (Seventh Blasphemer) and Lord Titan have written music together in well over ten years and you’ve got an essential listen. Just listen to ‘Sadomator’ below and you’ll get a good idea as to what to expect from this lethal release."

Extermination Mass was easily one of the most anticipated releases of recent years which is no surprise when we consider it's the creation of Ryan Förster from Conqueror, Domini Inferni and Blasphemy who was joined by Nocturnal Grave Desecrater and Black Winds from Blasphemy on additional vocals and J. Read from Conqueror/Revenge on session percussion.
Thankfully the music featured on 'Extermination Mass' easily superseded the heavy expectation that went before it and was reviewed here and given an easy 10/10. "This line up is ‘dream team’ stuff for fans of underground music and thankfully the standard of music matches the status of the musicians involved, this is essential listening for any fan of Blasphemy, Conqueror etc.
Thanks to Death Worship and Nuclear War Now! Productions we’re now presented with what’s definitely one of the year’s best releases, from a band with one sole aim, an aim succinctly summed up by R Förster when he stated to J Campbell, “No compromise, no nothing….doing this for the die-hards, for nobody else.”"

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