
November 19, 2017

Domgård - Ödelagt - Music Review + Track Stream by NV. (Veiled)

Domgård - Ödelagt.

Guest Review by NV (Veiled) - published by Trevor Proctor with thanks and appreciation to NV.

Five years.
In today’s music industry with the need of instant gratification, five years is a life time. But when it came to creating something truly special, five years was how long that was needed for Domgård to create their third full length album, 'Ödelagt.'

Even though the wait was excruciating at times, I can honestly say that upon listening to this album front to back multiple times, the wait was absolutely worthwhile. 
The last time Domgård graced the black metal scene with a record was in 2012. 'Myrkviðr' was a warmly welcomed listen that year and even still to this day, it is in my rotation. When it comes to black metal, not many bands come close to the magic and sonic vibrations that Domgård create. 

To speak in more of an esoteric manner, 'Ödelagt' begins where 'Myrkviðr' ended. A beautifully created atmosphere where the instrumentation acts as of dark spells weaving in and out of each other. Flowing freely and endlessly like a river. There is a magic here within these songs that only the initiated can truly understand. Songs of great devotion to the mighty Thursian current echoes throughout the album. Powerful chants that soar highly as if being pulled from beneath the Earth and cast into the night sky.

To be more clear-cut, the music Domgård has crafted on ‘Ödelagt’ is pure, true and to the definition of Swedish black metal. While the black metal scene nowadays has shifted and evolved (and unfortunately recycled) into more dissonant and technical styles, Domgård have shown that the old ways are not lost. 
This album, like all before it, shows what was produced back in the '90s is what real black metal is all about. The age old phrase “if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it” comes to mind. While I feel it is a disservice to single out one song because I believe this album needs to be listened to and appreciated as a whole, I think that the title track on this album speaks perfectly to what this paragraph is trying to say. 
I greatly appreciate that Domgård took their time with ‘Ödelagt’ and didn’t rush to release something for the sake of having an album released. Just by listening to the music, I can hear the effort required to write such a unique album. The layers upon layers of guitar melodies intertwining with the beautifully performed keyboards and synths laying comfortably upon the pulsing rhythm of the riffs shows that every second of this album was shown the utmost respect and unconditional attention. This album is the perfect example of a songwriter showing an unbridled love for creating music.

Domgård has been in existence since 1997. The band didn’t release it’s first offering, the demo ‘Blodskald’, until 2004 when the members were released from prison for church burnings. The first full length album, ‘I Niflhel Skygd’ and second album ‘Myrkviðr’ were only separated by two years between 2010 and 2012 and their first ever live gig wasn’t performed until 2016. 
Domgård are one of the few remaining black metal bands in today’s scene to truly BE what we all love in black metal. A band that truly is a personification of BLOOD FIRE DEATH.

Heed the call of LOKAKYN.

01 - Niþanvarþa
02 - Svartdjupets Lockelse
03 - Töckenhöljt
04 - I Geirröds Hall
05 -  Aldar Røkkr
06 - Kynjagaldr
07 - Ödelagt
08 - Lögr Óðreris - Urblodets Trollmakt
09 - Grottkvinnans Hemlighet
10 - Sejdmannens Förbannelse
11 - Förgånget
12 -  Ødhe Vi.

'Ödelagt' by Domgård will be available from Carnal Records from the 1st of December.

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