
July 30, 2017

Antiversum - Cosmos Comendti + Oraculum Always Higher - Press Release, Release Information and Track Streams.

Last week Dublin based label Invictus Productions made two very significant announcements regarding future releases from two of the underground's most promising bands - Antiversum and Oraculum from Chile.
On Monday 27th July they announced details of Oraculum's next release, mini-album 'Always Higher,' and as if this great news wasn't enough it was followed on Tuesday 28th July with details of Antiversum's debut full length 'Cosmos Comendti'. Read on for full press release information and a track to stream from each release.

Press Releases by Nathan T Birk.

Article by Trevor Proctor.

Antiversum - Cosmos Comendti.

Invictus Productions sets September 29th as the international release date for Antiversum's highly anticipated debut album, 'Cosmos Comendti.' Formed in 2010 by dedicated and experienced musicians in the Swiss metal scene, Antiversum is a nihilistic entity which creates a disturbing and storming amalgamation of black, doom, and death metal, manifesting the end of the universe and the dawn of nothingness in audial waves. 
They began that journey into the void in the spring of 2015, when Invictus Productions released the band's debut demo, 'Total Vacuum,' to international acclaim. As a title, 'Total Vacuum' indeed served as the foundation on which Antiversum would create their idiosyncratic vortex of violence.

However, as mighty as 'Total Vacuum' was (and still is), now arrives 'Cosmos Comendti' to give a more vast 'n' virulent vision of that vortex. While the four tracks comprising 'Total Vacuum' were towering in their own right, they are dwarfed by the four tracks that comprise the 38 minute 'Cosmos Comendti.' 
Here, Antiversum stretch the spaces in between the void further, lurking within with a menace that's truly unsettling. As such, compositions seemingly surge and then disintegrate at will - and yet, the quintet wield an iron will toward every nuance, every texture, every single detail. It's a swarming swell of sound, one that could be deemed "cavernous" or "sepulchral" and other buzzwords in popular underground parlance, but the differentiating factor to Antiversum in general and 'Cosmos Comendti' in particular is that there's a clearly articulated, deathly focused finesse to everything that happens; nothing is left to chance nor masked in absurd levels of reverb. 
Further, this swell cannot be conveniently slotted as strictly "death metal" or "black metal" or "doom": it simply IS.

Opening track, 'Antinova,' from 'Cosmos Comendti'

01 - Antinova
02 - Creatio e Chao orta est
03 - Cosmos Comedenti
04 - Nihil ad Probandum.

'Cosmos Comendti' by Antiversum is set to be released  by Invictus Productions on September 29th.
'Total Vacuum' by Antiversum is still available on CD by clicking here.

Oraculum - Always Higher.

Invictus Productions sets September 15th as the international release date for the brand-new mini-album of Chile's Oraculum, 'Always Higher.'
The Oraculum brethren incubate the raging pyre within the self, as a visionary element of utter omnipotence and unbreakable will. Designers of their own fiery path, never to be crossed, neither reached by traitors or prisoners of their ego. "Our blood is living fire feeding from your shame, scenting your trepidation with ease..."

Ever aptly titled, 'Always Higher' is a true statement of intent, following Oraclum's critically acclaimed 'Sorcery of the Damned' EP, released by Invictus Productions in 2014. 
'Always Higher' stands a fierce manifestation of the primeval evil in man, bringing the principle of the conqueror as the true holder of wisdom, power, and conviction. Serving as an essential pillar in a world where the lack of spirit fools the sheep with hollow intentions and nothing valuable transcends, Oraculum hereby transcend their humble beginnings and assert their own intractable identity, unshackling themselves from influence but never forgetting the deepest truths Death Metal has taught them all these years. 
It is the full bounty of the ancient Metal of Death, fully steeped in metal and death, maximized through sheer spirit and will. Blood and fire, Always Higher..."Let the death metal hierarchy overwhelm the weak. We bow to none!" 

Second track 'Lex Talionis' from 'Always Higher.'

01 - Exeunt
02 - Lex Talionis
03 - Semper Excelsius
04 - Sphinx.

'Always Higher' by Oraculum is set for release by Invictus Productions on September 15th.

'Sorcery of the Damned' by Oraculum is still available on CD, along with other Oraculum merchandise, by clicking here.

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