
April 17, 2017

Unaussprechlichen Kulten - Album release date and track stream.

Iron Bonehead Productions sets June 2nd as the international release date for Unaussprechlichen Kulten's highly anticipated fourth album, Keziah Lilith Medea (Chapter X). 

For nearly 20 years now, this Chilean cult has built a commanding canon of eldritch death metal darkness. From their early demos to later splits and especially their preceding three full-lengths - not least of which, 2014's critically acclaimed Baphomet Pan Shub-Niggurath - Unaussprechlichen Kulten have explored the furthest reaches of primordial dread and ancient mysticism, all through pure 'n' authentic Metal of Death. But now, they've transcended all past accomplishments with the monolithic Keziah Lilith Medea. (Chapter X)

A full review of what will surely be one of the year's best releases will follow in due course, in the meantime this is well worth a listen.......

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