
March 12, 2017

Review and Track Stream - Necroblood - Collapse of the Human Race.

Necroblood - Collapse of the Human Race.

Review by Trevor Proctor.

The French underground has been very productive of late, bringing us some of the best music around with the likes of Skelethal, Cadaveric Fumes, Impure Ziggurat and Ritualization being just a few examples – with Iron Bonehead Productions releasing music from three of these bands in recent times. Once again Iron Bonehead Productions, in association with Amor Fati Productions, is set to bring us music from a fantastic French band in the form of Necroblood.

Formed in Paris in 2010 three of Necroblood’s members had previously played in a Black Metal band called Evynkar which existed between 2006 and 2010 and released a single demo entitled ‘Blaspheme Your Cult.’ To date Necroblood has released a demo, two EPs, a compilation and a split release they shared with Necroholocaust, Impure Worship, Weregoat and Ogdru Jahad. It’s a band I’ve been following and keeping a watch for since getting their brilliant 7” EP, ‘Second Blood’ which was released in 2013. The end of March will see a new dawn break for Necroblood as they release their debut album, Collapse of the Human Race, scheduled to be released on LP by Iron Bonehead Productions and on CD by Amor Fati Productions.

With roots embedded deep within the French Black Metal underground Necroblood’s sound combines the best of both worlds with a blasphemy laced Black/Death style that stinks of primitivism. Collapse of the Human Race features ten tracks spanning a total of forty five minutes and kicks off with a suitably demonic chant but once the Satanic scene’s set there’s little or no mercy from Necroblood as they rip into ‘Through Limitless Abysses,’ and from here onward we’re steeped in Necroblood’s noxious Black/Death metal for the album’s duration.

Throughout Collapse of the Human Race Necroblood create a “caustic, claustrophobic whirlwind of filthy primitivism” that well and truly captures your attention. With forty five minutes to play with they patiently create their oppressive musical landscape, punctuating moments of high tempo madness with several top-notch leads and occasional dark descents into despairing doom and darkness. This is perfectly illustrated by three minute instrumental, “Essential Collapse,” which is by far the slowest track on the album that’s perfectly book-ended by two of the albums most intense tracks, “Glorification through Destruction” and “Baptised by Devil's Cum.” 
Two constant factors at play during Collapse of the Human Race are the intense darkness and high levels of filth and degradation that permeate Necroblood’s music. Necroblood close the album with “The Omen,” a seven minute monster of a track that perfectly summarises just how good this album really is, taking you on a lengthy excursion to the depths of their despair and darkness. Collapse of the Human Race stands as testimony to the fact there’s no doubting Necroblood have easily made the transition to full length album and the two years since their last release have been well spent, crafting this lethal Death Metal album – just give “Glorification through Destruction” a listen below and you’ll see exactly what I mean.

So far 2017 has been extremely generous to fans of Death Metal, delivering some unbelievably good  debut albums from Ritualization, Harvest Gulgaltha, Ascended Dead and now Necroblood – all of these are essential listening but whatever you do, do not miss this.
The French underground is booming at the moment and Necroblood are a band at the top of the pile.

Total support 9.5/10.

01 -  Intro
02 - Through Limitless Abysses
03 - Evil Against Evil
04 - Sons of Genocide
05 - Glorification Through Destruction
06 - Essential Collapse
07 - Baptised by Devil's Cum
08 - Sadistik Hunt
09 - Operation Gomorrah
10 - The Omen.

Collapse of the Human Race by Necroblood will be available from Iron Bonehead Productions and Amor Fati Productions from the end of March.

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