As with 2015 this year has been another exemplary year in terms of releases and keeping this list to 25 has proved even more difficult than previous. You may notice a few releases from 2016 absent from my list, such as Dead Congregation and Sadistic Intent as I'll not get my hands on them until Christmas and of course the new Teitanblood which hasn't been released at the time of writing. Also, the excellent 'Extermination Mass' by Death Worship will feature on my list for 2017 as, despite having a very limited release for the brilliant NWN! V Festival, it's early 2017 when it will have it's full, world wide release.
As with all articles on The Lair of Filth the bands and labels are linked so all you have to do is click on each band or label to be taken straight to their site or Facebook. As always, huge thanks and appreciation to everyone for their support during 2016.
25. Maleficence - Realms of Mortification (Blood Harvest Records)
24. Spectral Apparition - Manifestation (Invictus Productions)
23. Ithaqua - The Black Mass Sabbath Pulse (Iron Bonehead Productions)
22. Cadaveric Fumes - Dimensions Obscure (Blood Harvest Records)
21. Seventh Xul - Qliphothic Rites of Death (Iron Bonehead Productions)
20. Asphodelus - Dying Beauty & the Silent Sky (Iron Bonehead Productions)
19. Cult of Fire - Life, Sex and Death (Beyond Eyes and Triangulum Ignis)
18. Shrine of Insanabilis - Tombs Opened by Fervent Tongues (World Terror Committee)
17. Grave Miasma - Endless Pilgrimage (Sepulchral Voice Records)
16. Jyotiṣavedāṅga - Cannibal Coronal Mass Ejections (Cyclopean Eye Productions)
15. Coscradh - s/t Demo (Invictus Productions)
14. Voidnaga - Demo MMXVI (Iron Bonehead Productions)
13. Hegemony - Demo MMXVI (Goatprayer Records)
12. Hexenslaught - Demo 2016 (Invictus Productions)
11. Ill Omen / Slaughtbbath - Pestilential Hierophanies (Iron Bonehead Productions)
10. Paroxsihzem - Abyss of Excruciating Vexes (Hellthrasher Productions)
9. Slidhr / Acherontas- Death of the Ego / Chains of the Fallen (World Terror Committee)
8. Amphisbaena - s/t EP (Iron Bonehead Productions / Graceless Recordings)
7. Venefixion - Armorican Deathrites (Iron Bonehead Productions)
6. Veneficium - Demo 2016 (Iron Bonehead Productions)
5. Vircolac - The Cursed Travails of the Demeter (Sepulchral Voice Records / Dark Descent Records)
4. Sacrocurse - Destroying Chapels (Iron Bonehead Productions)
3. Eucharist - Endarkenment (Iron Bonehead Productions)
2. Demonomancy / Witchcraft - Archaic Remnants of the Numinous / At the Diabolus Hour (Nuclear War Now! Productions)
1. Qrixkuor - Three Devils Dance (Invictus Productions)
Reviewed back in April this release made a lasting impression....."What you have is thirty seven minutes featuring some of the best death metal you’re likely to hear this, or any year – a bold statement, yes but don’t take just my word for it. VK, who mixed and mastered 'Three Devils Dance' was also very quick to compliment Qrixkuor when he told me “Well they certainly recorded brilliantly to start with and knew what they wanted….great release….seriously brilliant songwriting.” A stunning, yet deserved, compliment from one of the underground’s most respected and prolific musicians/producers – you can’t have a higher, or better, recommendation than this.
Qrixkuor, take a bow - with Three Devils Dance you’ve delivered the EP of the year which is also without doubt a future classic."
Excellent choice with Qrixkuor. I love everything I've heard from them.