
July 18, 2016

Three way split review - Lord of Depression, Infernal Sacrament + Tetragrammacide - 'Atomic Regurgitation from the Three Mouths of Humanicidal Hate.'

Lord of Depression, Infernal Sacrament + Tetragrammacide - 'Atomic Regurgitation from the Three Mouths of Humanicidal Hate.'

Review by Trevor Proctor.

Split releases are always a great means of discovering and hearing new music from bands you may or may not heard of previously – you know the score with them, fairly often there’s at least one band you may not have heard much from in the past. This was recently the case for me when I ordered the CD version of this split from exceptional label and distro, Cyclopean Eye Productions earlier this year. I discovered Tetragrammacide when they released their harsh yet brilliant EP, ‘Typhonian Wormholes: Indecipherable Anti-Structural Formulæ’ via Iron Bonehead Productions in October of last year and since then I was able to source this split along with Tetragrammacide’s ‘Tetragrammacidal Oration’ demo tape from Cyclopean Eye

Atomic Regurgitation from the Three Mouths of Humanicidal Hate’ was first released as a limited edition cassette by Freezing Records on the 5th of September last year with the CD version released by Behold Barbarity on the 31st of October. The split features music from U.S. Black Metal band Lord of Depression, Black/Death group Infernal Sacrament, also from the U.S., and India’s masters of chaotic destruction, Tetragrammacide. The original release featured four Tetragrammacide tracks and three from the other artists. The exciting news about this new Larval Productions vinyl edition is each group has submitted a further track, in the process making what was already a fantastic split even more appealing. Further enhancing the appeal of this version is that it will be available in limited colour editions – 166 each of transparent blood red, opaque olive green, and opaque mustard. As if these factors weren’t enough there’s also the fact the vinyl will be housed in triple gatefold packaging with exclusive, stunning artwork from Alex Morkh Shadrin from Nether Temple Design who in the past has created artwork for the likes of Sacrocurse, Infernal Curse and Morbosidad. This version of ‘Atomic Regurgitation from the Three Mouths of Humanicidal Hate’ is due to be available from Larval Productions at the start of August 2016. Larval Productions is a new underground label formed in January 2016, their first release (LAR-001) was a red vinyl version of Caveman Cult’s ‘Rituals of Savagery’ demo, they will also be releasing a vinyl version of Caveman Cult's 'Savage War is Destiny' later this year. Larval Productions also has a further two releases planned - a split 7" featuring Adytum and Darkness Enshrouded the Mist and a full length LP from Order of the Nameless Ones.

As previously mentioned I view split releases as an opportunity to hear music from bands you may not already be overly familiar with and this was certainly the case for me with Lord of Depression. From Illinois in the U.S. Lord of Depression was formed in 1992 and released three demos between 1995 and 1997 with no further music being released until 2010 when they returned with a further demo and compilation which featured all three demos from 1995 – 1997 along with bonus tracks. A further compilation followed in 2014 before they returned with new music for this split in 2015. Lord of Depression’s three tracks from the original release were recorded and mixed in April 2015 and their bonus track for this version, ‘You Reek in Life as You Will in Death’ was recorded and mixed in March 2016. Lord of Depression’s music is Black Metal played at a fairly high and totally catchy tempo. Whilst their music is undoubtedly Black Metal there are also some regular metal influences and solos to be heard as some of the basic song structures have their roots as much in heavy metal as they do in Black Metal, yet this is perfectly balanced and makes their music all the more catchy. Opener ‘‘Till Heaven Falls’ is a perfect example of where you can hear these influences, a great balance between Heavy and Black Metal  influences. ‘Ultimate Rejection and Slaughter of your Faith’ follows and features Lord of Depression playing a more straight forward style of Black Metal. I thoroughly enjoyed Lord of Depression’s music and it further cemented my love of splits as this introduced me to a new band I may not have heard of were it not for this release.

Four clicks of a drumstick and you’re faced with a completely different proposition music-wise as Infernal Sacrament takes over. Another band I hadn’t heard much of, Infernal Sacrament was formed in Chicago, Illinois in 2012 and released the demo ‘Communion with Demonic Spirits’ at the end of 2013. Debut full length ‘Militant Hymns of the Rebel Angel’ was released on cassette in January 2015 and was subsequently followed by their contribution for this split in September 2015. As stated, their music is a totally different proposition to that of Lord of Depression as Infernal Sacrament plays intense Black/Death Metal that takes no prisoners. Their tracks are short, sharp jolts that tend to last around the two minute mark, each laced with bestial barbarity and a high tempo Black/Death style. Infernal Sacrament lists Goatpenis, Blasphemy and Nyogthaeblisz as influences on their sound and their first live show was supporting Nyogthaeblisz with their second as support to Bestial Raids - these factors should leave you in no doubt as to what they sound like. When I first listened to the CD version of this release I was totally impressed with this band but was eager to hear more of their music and to a certain extent this has been satisfied with their inclusion of bonus track ‘Initiation Ritual’ for this vinyl release. ‘Initiation Ritual’ is taken from a demo that preceded ‘Communion with Demonic Spirits’ and is a brilliant addition to this release. Another band I may not have heard of as quickly were it not for this split and another I’ll be keen to hear more music from in the future.

Tetragrammacide was formed in West Bengal, India in 2012 and released their ‘Tetragrammacidal Oration’ demo on cassette and digital formats in 2014, the cassette version was released by Analog Ammunition with a cassette re-press also coming from Black Goat Terrorist 666 in December of the same year. Their contribution to this split was their second release but it was their third release, ‘Typhonian Wormholes: Indecipherable Anti-Structural Formulæ’ which came out via Iron Bonehead Productions, that first brought them to my attention. All Tetragrammacide material, including the bonus track, was recorded mixed and mastered at Qayin Mandala Studio, Kolkata, India. Tetragrammacide increase the destruction levels even further on this split as they go straight for the jugular with their full on and intense black/death metal. Tetragrammacide’s music is a further step along the path of sonic destruction and is even more extreme than that of Infernal Sacrament. Aside from a short intro and outro the attack from Tetragrammacide on this release never lets up – it’s an extremely intense, destructive and murky; some might even argue indecipherable, full-on black/death assault. Tetragrammacide’s music brings new meaning to the term sonic destruction, their music may not be to everyone’s taste but if you’re a hardened veteran of bestial/war metal again in a similar vein to that of Nyogthaeblisz or Goatpenis you’ll love their music. I was blown away with their music on ‘Typhonian Wormholes..’ and this was also the case with their contribution here. 

As mentioned a few times, I make no secret of the fact I’m a massive fan of split releases as they regularly bring new music/bands to the attention of the listener and this was most certainly the case with this as it put two excellent bands, Lord of Depression and Infernal Sacrament, onto my radar. The CD version was one of my favourite purchases from recent months but this vinyl version will be even better due to the extra track from each artist and the remarkable artwork and layout. Full credit to Alex Morkh Shadrin and Larval Productions for the exquisite job they’ve done with the artwork, layout and presentation of this unmissable split release. Unbelievably great music from three great bands – do not miss out on this essential release! Huge thanks to Rudo from Larval Productions for contacting me to review this release, much appreciated.

Taking all of the above factors into account makes for a very easy to award 10/10 for this version. 

Tracklist Side A:

01 - Lord of Depression - Black Flame in My Heart, Black Blood in My Veins
02 - Lord of Depression - 'Til Heaven Falls
03 - Lord of Depression - Ultimate Rejection and Slaughtering of Your Faith
04 - Infernal Sacrament - Cleansed by Hellfire
05 - Infernal Sacrament - Invocation of Asmodeus
06 - Infernal Sacrament - Visions of the Demonic

Tracklist Side B:

01 - Tetragrammacide – Intro
02 - Tetragrammacide - Vama-Psychic Vama-Pyric Vama-Prism
03 - Tetragrammacide - Transmutation of the Ego and Flesh
04 - Tetragrammacide – Outro
05 - Lord of Depression - You Reek in Life as You Will in Death (Bonus track)
06 - Infernal Sacrament - Initiation Ritual (Bonus track)
07 - Tetragrammacide - Baneful Abortion of the Cosmic Fetus. (Bonus track)

This excellent split will be available from Larval Productions from the beginning of August.

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