
December 21, 2015

Trevor Proctor's Top 25 Singles, EP's and Demo's of 2015.

As with my top 25 LP list it was always going to be difficult selecting 25 of the best 7", EP and demo releases that we were blessed with during 2015. With a steady flow of quality during the year I'm sure I've forgotten or missed something, another exemplary year and another nightmare trying to keep the list as short as 25.
The band and labels within this list are linked so click on each band or label name to be taken straight to their site or Facebook page. Cheers for stopping by and I hope something here sparks an interest.....

25. Urðun - Horror and Gore (Signal Rex)

22. Void Ceremony - Cyclical Descent of Causality (Blood Harvest Records)

21. HaemophagusMausoleum - Slime / Intense Mortification (Equinox Discos)

20. Ripping Death - Tales of the Ripper (Iron Bonehead Productions)

18. Funerus - Black Death (Dark Descent Records)

15. Bone Tomb - Tombs of Blood (Goatprayer Records)

13. Abominor - Opus: Decay (Invictus Productions)

10. Incantation - Entrantment of Evil (re-release) (Hells Headbangers)

9. Nocturnus - The Science of Horror (demo compilation) (Nuclear War Now! Productions)

7. Denial - 11°22​.​4'N 142°35​.​5'E  (Blood Harvest Records)

5. Veiled - Omniscient Veil (Iron Bonehead Productions)

4. Pentagram (Chile) / Unaussprechlichen Kulten -  Ritual Human Sacrifice / La Mujer, El Diablo y El Permiso de Dios (Iron Bonehead Productions)

1. Malthusian - Below the Hengiform (Invictus Productions)

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