
December 29, 2015

Jude Felton's Top 25 Albums of 2015

It has to be said that 2015 has been a strange year, for one reason or another, and my review output has seriously suffered, due to this. This, however, has not curbed my voracious appetite for checking out new music and spreading the good word when possible, and this year has been another good one! There's always folk that'll complain saying every single year is shit, in terms of musical output, yet I rarely find that to be the case; there is always good new music out there, and I found an abundance in 2015.

A couple of quick things though, before we dive headlong into the fray. Firstly, I'd like to thank Trevor Proctor for keeping things ticking along here at The Lair, in terms of reviews and interviews etc. The man is a beast, and I am eternally grateful. Secondly, this is a list of my favorite albums of the year; albums that kicked my ass. The ones that I keep returning to, time and time again. Believe me when I say that there were many that didn't quite make it here, and I could quite easily have written up a Top 50. Anyway, read, enjoy, bitch and moan, or just have a beer and stroke your collective beards. Merry fucking Christmas, folks!!

25. Shroud of the Heretic - Unorthodox Equilibrium / Iron Bonehead Productions

24. Abyssal - Antikatastaseis / Profound Lore Records (CD) Iron Bonehead Productions (Vinyl)

23. Goat Torment - Sermons to Death / Amor Fati Productions

22. Svärta - Sepultus / A Sadness Song

21. Murg - Varg & Bjorn / Nordvis Produktion

20. Swallow the Sun - Songs from the North I-III / Century Media

19. Abhorrent Decimation - Miasmic Mutation / Unsigned

17. Blaze of Perdition - Near Death Revelations / Agonia Records

16. Desolate Shrine - The Heart of the Netherworld / Dark Descent Records

15. Akhlys - The Dreamin I / Debemur Morti

14. Tempel - The Moon Lit our Path / Prosthetic Records

13. Ingested - Architect of Extinction / Century Media

12. Kauan - Sorni Nai / Blood Music

10. Ævangelist - Entrall to the Void of Bliss / 20 Buck Spin

9. So Hideous - Laurenstine / Prosthetic Records

7. Austerymn - Sepulchrum Viventium / Memento Mori 

6. Locrian - Infinite Dissolution / Relapse Records

5. Infernus - Grinding Christian Flesh / Moribund Records

4. Nechchowen - Heart of Akamon / Bindrune Recordings

3. Witchsorrow - No Light, Only Fire / Candlelight Records

2. IZAH - Sistere / Nordvis Produktion

1. Vastum - Hole Below / 20 Buck Spin

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