
August 11, 2015

Review - 'Blasphmachine - Salvation'

Blasphmachine – Salvation (2015)

Misanthropic Generation Media (Cassette) DunkelheitProduktionen (CD) 

Review by Trevor Proctor

Independent Swedish cassette label Misanthropic Generation Media started bringing us some of the most obscure, yet brilliant music last year when they brought us the exceptional demo from Svärta, PåFörtvivlansKrön, in August and since then there’s been a pretty steady supply of top quality music from the likes of Black Demon Rites and Ovaryrot, amongst others.

I’ve waited patiently for future releases from Misanthropic, buying each one the minute they come out asthey constantly sell out. Misanthropic Generation Media was the first label to bring a band called Blasphmachine to my attention in March of this year when they released a cassette version of theirdebut album, Salvation. The cassette came out in a very limited quantity of 50, of which very few copies were still available at the time of writing. Also worth noting is that once you purchase the tape from Misanthropic Generation Medias Bandcamp site you get instant access to digital downloads of the tracks and digital copies can also be purchased there if you’re not a fan of tapes. Since its releaseSalvation has become one of my favourite releases of 2015, getting several listens along the way. The tape features six tracks with duration of close to eighteen minutes; better news still is the album has just been released on cd by German label DunkelheitProduktionen; with the cd having an extra two tracks in comparison to the cassette and a nine minute longer play time.

Blasphmachine was formed in Kota Bharu,Malaysia in August 2012 and released their debut demo “Hell” in November that year. During 2014 they brought us another demo and a split release with Exhumation, Savage Deity and Shambles, both of which came out in September; these were closely followed by the Oath EP in December 2014 – impressive productivity for a year. Their membership comprises of Rimi on bass and vocals, AP Filthgrindz on drums and Samad on guitar. AP Filthgrindz also engineered Salvation which was recorded during June and July of 2014. Their music is a raw style of grinding death metal that grabs you by the throat on first listen – it’s extremely addictive and is that good it’s difficult to stop listening. Salvation kicks off with Temple of Desolation, a belter of a track that perfectly sets the visceral tone for the rest of the album – it’s a two minute snapshot of Blasphmachine’s music and a brilliant start.

The production is very well suited to the music, not overly murky yet possessing enough rawness to match the tone set by the music. Rimi’s demonic, guttural growl further portrays this raw barbarity, sounding like a man possessed as they rip through track after track of fast, demonic, grinding death metal. The drumming is exceptional throughout, setting and maintaining the relentlessly fast pace – there’s no mercy here as Blasphmachine bombard us with no let up. Track three, Heathen Fire, starts with a brief quotation from the movie “Kingdom of Heaven” with this spoken sample being your only moment of calm during another blinding few minutes.Track four, The Beast Among Men, is a favourite from the album, only two minutes long, yet it grooves like a motherfucker with its extremely catchy riffs - you wouldn’t normally expect the word groove to be associated with death metal as good as this but, mark my words, this is one hell of a catchy track.Blasphmachine keep up the fast paced, guttural and grinding death metal throughout, brilliant music, performed very well.

The two extra tracks from the cd version are Leviathan and a cover of Black Witchery’s “Into Damnation Eternal.” Having played the cassette version regularly since buying it back in March I was very excited to hear these extra tracks and thankfully they’re very bit as good as those on the cassette version. Lasting well over five minutes Leviathan is both the longest and slowest track on the album, which reassuring shows Blasphmachine can vary tempo without losing any of their potency.  Both versions of Salvation work remarkably well and I assure you that you’ll not be disappointed – I have been so impressed by this band I’m desperately trying to track down their previous releases. Also worth noting is that the tracks featured on the original cassette release have also been released on a split release cassette with Diabolical, just brought on the Sadismetal label.

This band deserves a much higher profile and I hope Salvation brings them this and more. Proof of their ability is the fact that by the time you’ll have read this review they’ll already have supported Necrowretch in Penang, a gig I’m sure will also help bring their music to a wider audience. As previously mentioned there’s very limited quantity of the tape left and there’s only 100 CDs being released initially – so don’t hang about, grab this while you can.



1 - Temple of Desolation
2 - Malleus, Maleficarum
3 - Heathen Fire
4 - The Beast Among Men
5 – Commandments
6 - The Last Chants of Priests
7 – Leviathan (Cd only)
8 - Into Damnation Eternal. (Black Witchery) (Cd only)

Blasphmachine's Salvation is released by Misanthropic Generation MediaDunkelheitProduktionen and Sadismetal 

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