
July 24, 2015

Review - 'Vacivus: Rite of Ascension'

Vacivus – Rite of Ascension (2015)

Goatprayer Records

Review by Jude Felton

Over the past couple of years we’ve been treated to some cracking releases from UK based Goatprayer Records. Austerymn’s In Death..We Speak, Bode Preto’s Inverted Blood and Napalm Christ’s self-titled demo being just three that have kicked my ass. So, as is usually the case with this track record, I had high expectations for their release of Vacivus’ 5 track release, Rite of Ascension. These were expectations that were met, and surpassed.

The five piece band, who formed in 2013, have recently graced the stage with the likes of the mighty Grave Miasma, and quite rightfully so; their brand of death metal sits perfectly alongside their fellow Brits. We should really ask fellow Lair scribe, Trevor Proctor, about this, as he was lucky enough to see them! Alas, the trek for me would have been a little too far…

Anyway, I digress, as is usually the case, but there is always a point to my inane ramblings, and that is that Vacivus deliver the goods; big time. Blasting out of the blocks with Dark Apotheosis, they launch into the darkest death metal, one that roars along encompassing a combination of traditional death metal, blackened death and a hint of deathly doom. It’s all very impressive and really comes into its own through a good set of headphones, with the volume turned way up. I’ve mentioned it before (well, I’m pretty sure I have) but I can’t honestly recommend a good set of headphones enough. They really allow the full depth of music to seep inside your head, and Rite of Ascension is full of this. It also sounds damned good blasted through your car stereo too!

Dark Apotheosis really does set the tone for the five tracks contained here, with each of them being of the top-notch variety. The guitars screech and the rhythm section thunders, whilst the vocals are of the highest demonic caliber, and we even get some eerie chanting thrown in on the closing track, Vacivus Aeternum. Seriously, this is the dog’s bollocks and it’s great to see another quality death metal band emerge from back home. In fact, in my opinion death metal is probably the most exciting form of extreme metal out there right now, with shit hot bands, new and old, delivering the goods on a regular basis.

The bad news, on top of all this, is that the tape version of Rite of Ascension has already sold out. Goatprayer are a small label, that only do limited runs of their releases. However, there is a silver lining and that is that this will be getting a CD release in September, through Hellthrasher Productions. And, who knows, maybe Goatprayer will do a second pressing? 

Regardless, even if you can’t get this on tape, there will be a CD and you can always check it out on Bandcamp. I do insist you check it out, one way or the other, though.



1. Dark Apotheosis
2. Rite of Ascension
3. Ageless, Nameless
4. Hostis Rei
5. Vacivus Aeternum

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