
November 15, 2014

Review - 'Cult of Fire: Ctvrtá Symfonie Ohne'

Cult of Fire - Ctvrtá Symfonie Ohne 7” EP (2014)

Iron Bonehead Productions

Review by Trevor Proctor

Cult of Fire is a Black Metal band from the Czech Republic’s city of Prague; the band consists of Tomáš Corn on drums, Infernal Vlad guitars/vocals and third member, Devilish also performing vocals. Their first EP, 20:11, was released in April 2011 with their debut album “Triumvirát” following in July 2012 to widespread praise from all quarters of the underground. However, it was the release of their second album “मृत्यु का तापसी अनुध्यान”(Ascetic Meditation of Death) via Iron Bonehead Productions in December 2013 that saw the band experience a meteoric, and very justified, rise to prominence within the metal community.

This album instantly propelled the band to the forefront of this community and simultaneously became an album of the year for many who heard it. The album had folk infused, epic black metal at its heart with central themes of Indian culture and Hindu deities immersing the listener in one of the most truly original albums ever released – a bold statement but anyone who has given it a listen would find it impossible to argue against the band’s unique sound and authenticity. Further testimony to the band’s popularity was the re-release of their debut recording, 20:11, on cassette via Dublin’s Sarlaac Productions in September 2014 - the tape sold out almost instantly on pre-order.

This December sees the release of a two track 7” EP, Ctvrtá Symfonie Ohne, also from Iron Bonehead, it will be released as both 7” picture disc and black vinyl. This was originally intended to be released after Triumvirát but was temporarily put on hold due to the band’s strong fascination with India. The EP is dedicated to Czech composer, Bedrich Smetana and two Czech rivers - the Czech Vltava and Slovak Váh. The eighth of December is the official release date which also marks the 140th anniversary of Smetana’s completion of his composition, Vltava.

Cult of Fire hasn’t released anything less than impressive to date and this is no exception. Both instrumental tracks have spirit rousing black metal at their core but there’s more than enough of Cult of Fire’s magic throughout both to give them a highly unique sound. Cult of Fire are in a league of their own and there’s no need for a note by note summary of this EP – it’s Cult of Fire and it’s top-notch music – their music is a breath of fresh air and originality.  Majestic, entrancing and emotional music are the order of the day and put quite simply this is one of 2014’s best releases. If you haven’t yet listened to Cult of Fire make this your starting point for a journey into some of the best music around – stunning, essential and compulsive listening.



1 - Vltava

2 - Váh

Cult of Fire's Ctvrtá Symfonie Ohne 7" EP is released by Iron Bonehead Productions on December 8th 2014.

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