
May 24, 2014

Filthy Review - 'Death Spa' Unrated Blu-ray/DVD

Death Spa (1989)

Review by Jude Felton

Back in 1989 I was devouring horror films with the voracious appetite of one of Romero’s undead. Frequent trips to the video store, day after day, helped to satiate my bloodlust. One film though that escaped my attention was Death Spa. Thankfully, this can now be remedied as MPI and Gorgon Video have delivered this gorgeous looking unrated Blu-Ray/DVD combo pack.

Now I should warn you, before I continue that if leg warmers, mullets, hairy shoulders and general late 80’s shenanigans scare you, you might want to look away. Death Spa is rip with all of these, and also a generous flirtation with a World’s growing fascination with home computers (such as is seen in Evilspeak).

The film itself is a simple affair; murder, mayhem and mysterious accidents befall the occupants of the titular spa, or gym if you prefer. Tiles fly off the wall, machinery develops a mind of its own and flesh is exposed. This is cheesetacular entertainment of the highest order, and even though as a film it doesn’t always fly on all cylinders, it is always fun.

To pigeonhole Death Spa isn’t easy either; it could be a slasher flick or it could be something even more malevolent, and due to this it does feel slightly confused at times. What does work in its favor though is that it keeps you watching, and guessing, through to its bloody climax.
Genre fans will be happy to see Ken Foree pop up here and there, in a smallish role and even tighter pants, to add a little more cool to proceedings. Aside from that though, Death Spa is more of a case of who will die, or get naked, next and more importantly who is wearing those damned leg warmers!

MPI and Gorgon really have delivered a tasty release with this combo pack. From the absolutely gorgeous artwork, the decent amount of extras (which include a commentary and making of), through to the actual audio and video quality of the film itself. Death Spa might not be the best, or coolest, film to crawl out of the late 80’s, but that doesn’t mean that any less love or attention has been lavished on this release.

Death Spa is sleazy, cheesy and bone-snappingly entertaining viewing, which will no doubt be best enjoyed with a group of friends (and lots of beer). This combo pack release, however, will be one to be cherished in your collection. File under F, for Flesh and Fun!!

Death Spa is release on Blu-ray/DVD Combo Pack by MPI and Gorgon Video on May 27th.

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