
December 17, 2013

Wayne Simmons' Top 20 Albums/EP's/Demo's of 2013

After having posted both Trevor's and my lists of music that floated our respective boats in 2013, it's the turn of Lair contributor and horror novelist extraordinaire, Wayne Simmons to throw his picks into the hat! Enjoy!

20. Hic Est Domus Diaboli (Cult of Occult)

19. Mantra (Theoria)

18. Serpent Omega (Serpent Omega)

17. Ritual Death and Funeral Rights (Uncoffined)

16. Portals to Canaan (Deeds of Flesh)

15. Eros/Anteros (Oathbreaker)

14. Demented Sexual Killer (Gore Obsessed)

13. Demo (Heavy Temple)

12. Run from the Light (Monolith Cult)

11. Scorn (Primitive Man)

10. Mens Animus Corpus (Selim Lemouchi & His Enemies)

9. Infestissumam (Ghost B.C.)

8. Dead Trees (Men An Tol)

7. Reflection of the Negative (Cough/ Windhand split)

6. Deathlike (Ancient VVisdom)

5. Documentaries of Dementia (Necrotic Disgorgement)

4. Undersmile/ Bismuth (Undersmile/ Bismuth split)

3. The Circle and the Blue Door (Purson)

2. The Eldritch Dark (Blood Ceremony)

1. Naked (Dug Pinnick)

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