
December 8, 2013

Filthy Music Review - 'Scorned Deity: Adventum'

Scorned Deity – Adventum (2013)

Review by Jude Felton

Prepare to be swept up into a tornado of symphonic blackened death metal, as Detroit’s Scorned Deity lay forth Adventum for all to marvel at. For what we have here is an exercise in the grandiose and epic, with more than enough savagery to satiate the most bloodthirsty.

The second album, independently release by the band, is an intricate and complex affair, yet it is one that is instantly accessible, even with the myriad of influences within its melting pot. The immediate sound is that of symphonic black metal crossed with melodic blackened death metal, yet it also bares heavy influences from classic metal, hard rock and the use of some well-placed synths. Sounds like it could well be a right royal mess, doesn’t it? Well it certainly could have been, although fortunately it is not.

There’s a gentle and haunting intro, in the shape of the title tracks, which serves as a call to battle that comes in the form of The Hand of Will, which soon follows. From here on in we get treated to a fine selection of razor sharp riffing, incredible harmonies and flat-out fine tunes.

Truthfully, I am surprised that Scorned Deity are still unsigned, as what they deliver within the 11 songs contained on this album is far superior to many signed bands I have heard. Maybe the myriad of styles and influences is off putting to some? I really can’t believe that is the case. If Adventum was a mess, with no cohesion, then maybe I could understand, but that is not the case here. It’s quite apparent that the songwriting skills here are first and foremost, and result in quality tunes.

Regardless of reasons, if any, there’s no denying that Adventum is a class album from start to finish, and one that most definitely worth your while checking out.


1. Adventum
2. The Hand Of Will
3. Preserver
4. Ritus
5. From A Lion Of Gold
6. A Screever In Our Midst
7. Pantastic
8. Colors Shed
9. Slowlamaka
10. Bread Trails
11. A Spectacle In Red

Adventum is available now and can be purchased via the band's Bandcamp page, online store and Website.

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