
December 10, 2013

Filthy Music Review - 'Patrons of the Rotting Gate: The Rose Coil'

Patrons of the Rotting Gate - The Rose Coil (2013)

The Path Less Traveled Records 

Review by Trevor Proctor

Patrons of the Rotting Gate is basically a one musician band, namely Andrew “Manshrew” Millar who’s originally from the city of Belfast but now resides in London – Adam “Arc” Irwin assists with additional guitar work but pretty much everything is the creation of the extremely talented Millar. 

“Patrons of the Rotting Gate” is a name derived from one of Millar’s favourite bands, Orgone. Both Millar and Irwin have also previously played in “Kiriath”; a technical death metal band that’s been active since 2008. Millar stated his direction of music with Patrons is basically progressive black metal and its music he’s been meaning to write for a while. Not only is it a fascinating album from start to end with a collection of great songs, but it’s also an unbelievable musical experience when listened to in its entirety - it’s the sort of album that only comes along every now and then. When you take into account the entire album, including mixing and mastering, is basically the product of one man’s vision and skill it’s a truly phenomenal achievement.

The album itself is a highlight from the start of Tri Tvare right to the album’s conclusion - your attention is grabbed and it’s never released, each tracks blends perfectly into the next to ensure your attention is never distracted, not even for a minute. The Rose Coil gets off to quite a hectic start with Tri Tvare and Tri Zaveti where the pace rarely lets up but it’s during tracks like the following “Canassial” that we fully see the scope of Millar’s vision. Canassial chugs along at a menacingly slow pace, punctuated by Millar’s hostile growls and drumbeats.

A Perfect Suicide is another stand-out moment of brilliance – basic synths commence with exceptional progressive guitar playing and spacey vocals only to be replaced after a few minutes with blasting drum beats and anguished screams. This is another seven minute trip into the madness of Millar and a brilliant example of the variations in music he’s capable of – slow/fast, ambient/brutal he’s capable of it all and this track and album show this to the listener beyond any shadow of doubt.

His Crimson Painting follows and is a haunting piano track that further shows the ability and musical vision of this deluded musical genius, a minute and half of excellent piano playing ensues – it’s a definitive highlight and one that bleeds nicely into mesmerising track “…Of all Eyes,” a synth laced hostile ambient trip that builds an evil and haunting atmosphere. These two very different tracks make up just below three minutes between them but they work perfectly together at creating a brilliant contrast between hostile and beautiful worlds – and show there’s so much variety and excellence to Millar’s approach to music. 

There are also two bonus tracks included – The Battle of Chamdo by Gorguts and Caress of Vines by Orgone – two interesting inclusions but Millar’s interpretation of both is excellent. Also worth mentioning is the inclusion of themes behind each track that appeared on-screen whilst playing them via an MP3 player – not sure if this will be prevalent on released versions but if so it’s a nice touch.

This is an excellent album and when we take into account Millar only started writing it during the summer of 2013 we see just how capable this man is – to write, perform, produce and master an album like this over a few months pretty much on your own is an unreal achievement and one that you must not miss. The rose coil is both diversified and sophisticated, it’s an amazing accomplishment and essential listening – let’s hope it’s not long before this mad musical genius unleashes more music to the world, I’ll be waiting patiently


1. Tri Tvare                                            
2. Tri Zaveti
3. Carnassial
4. Secrets in the Soil
5. Pride in Descent
6. Chest of Light
7. Clandestine Fractures
8. A Perfect Suicide
9. His Crimson Painting
10. … Of all Eyes
11. The Battle of Chamdo (Gorguts cover)
12. Caress of Vines (Orgone cover)

The Rose Coil is released on December 31st by The Path Less Traveled Records on Digital and Limited Edition CD (100 Copies).

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