
September 14, 2013

Filthy Music Review - 'Satanic Dystopia: Double Denim Shotgun Massacre'

Satanic Dystopia – Double Denim Shotgun Massacre (2013)


Review by Jude Felton

If you are going to open your album with a sample from the Hammer flick, The Devil Rides Out, you are already onto a winner with me. However, when you add in music that is drenched in misery, hate and spite, you are going to have yourself a hard time not coming up with a winner. Satanic Dystopia, who hail from the North of England, have this in spades, and the goddamn tunes to back it up.

Just in case any hopeless romantics have stumbled upon this review, expecting to read about an album full of love songs, because of the band’s name; you ain’t going to find any here. Satanic Dystopia, in their own words, is Northern Scum Black Thrashing Metal, and they proceed to belt out eight tunes of stripped down blackened thrash, and rarely come up for air.

You’re not going to get any bullshit gimmicks here, just nasty violent music belched forth from four musicians hell-bent on delivery short, sharp blasts of satanic fury. Set aside 20 minutes, or just over, and revel in some real music that harkens back to the old school sounds of the past, without ever sounding dated.

What did surprise me, about this album, is that as raw and filth-laden as it is, it’s also as catchy as fuck. This is due, mainly, to some killer guitar riffs that will get stuck in your head. Fear ye not though, this is still fucking ugly music, it just so happens that Satanic Dystopia know how to write a damned good tune.

If you want to check the album out for yourself, you can hit up the band’s Bandcamp page, or you can track yourself down a copy of the cassette. I recommend you do both. Double Denim Shotgun Massacre is the aural equivalent of the fight scene between Roddy Piper and Keith David, in They Live; it’s about the same length, just a damned sight more violent.


1. Double Denim Shotgun Massacre
2. Steel Breeze
3. Nuclear Nightmare
4. Blood, Spit and Concrete
5. Bastard Squad 666
6. Tombstone Queen
7. Black Stallion
8. Satanic Dystopia

For more information about Satanic Dystopia, you can check out the band's Facebook page and Bandcamp page.

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