
September 26, 2013

Filthy Music Review - 'Dug Pinnick: Naked'

Dug Pinnick - Naked (2013)

Rock Army Records

Review by Wayne Simmons

Dug Pinnick must be the busiest man in rock n’ roll. Frontman with King’s X, he uses his downtime to peddle grooves with just about every other talented mofo out there.  There are a lot of heavy-hitters on his resume: George Lynch, Jeff Ament, Billy Sheehan to name but a few. And yet, hot on the heels of the Pinnick Gales Pridgen colab, Dug’s back with Naked, a solo album with a lot to say for itself.

This is a great album, perhaps Dug’s best solo release to date.

Musically, it’s pure Dug all the way: groove metal/ grunge with that definitive voice. It’s probably the heaviest we’ve heard since the Poundhound days, yet also most melodic. The guitar tones are dark and sludgy, mostly drop-tuned. The vocals are even darker, drenched in feeling and passion and minor-key pain. There’s an unsettling, anti-gospel vibe about this album that makes it incredibly powerful;  brooding throughout, escalating with some powerful lead work on standout track ‘I Hope I Don’t Lose my Mind’. And there’s plenty of hooks, too; ‘Aint’ That The Truth’, ‘Courage’, and current single ‘That Great Big Thing’ catchy as all hell. 

Lyrically, Naked could be described as a concept album, but the concept here isn’t some fantastical alien invasion or cloak-and-dagger conspiracy; it’s Dug Pinnick, the man behind the guitar, trying to get by and survive the same way the rest of us are. Opening track, ‘What  You Gonna Do?’ sets the stall out: ‘I’m just like anybody trying to figure out how to pay those bills that I just stopped paying, living with no insurance or savings.’  Ballad ‘If You Fuk Up’ goes darker: ‘now you cry all day and get nothing done, sit in the room thinking ‘bout a gun’; this is the story of a man pulling himself apart and slowly putting the pieces back together. 

Naked is what it does, to coin a phrase. Honest in all senses of the word; a brutal outpouring of the heart and soul. Heavy as all hell with some killer riffs and hooks. In short, everything you’d expect from Dug Pinnick and more. Get it.   


1. What You Gonna Do?
2. If You Fuk Up
3. Speeding Love
4. Courage
5. Ain't That The Truth
6. That Great Big Thing
7. The Point
8. Take Me Away From You
9. I Hope I Don't Lose My Mind
10. Heart Attack
11. I'm Not Gonna Freak Out

Naked is available now on Digital and Signed CD from Rock Army Records.

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