
August 6, 2013

Get ready for a 'Reality Check'!

Some news just in on an upcoming time travel flick from Producer Todd E. Freeman, entitled Reality Check. Written, and soon to be directed, by Chris Buchal, the film is soon to go into production, and I'll have more news as I get it. In the meantime, check out the press release below, which also has a link to the film's website.

PORTLAND, Oregon (August 6th, 2013) Producer Todd E. Freeman (Cell Count, Deep Dark, Love Sick) is proud to announce his involvement in Writer/Director Chris Buchal’s new high concept time travel film. Chris and his crew have worked for over a year in pre-production to bring this vision to life. Featuring state of the art special effects, a fascination with the Fibonacci sequence found throughout nature, and a strong female protagonist. The film is best described as Memento meets Minority Report and features an accomplished cast and crew.
Cora Benesh (City Baby, Portlandia), plays Elion, an insurance agent who time travels to check the validity of insurance claims. Within her job, known as “The Watcher,” she has one last assignment: to review the life insurance policy of one, Tom Bombadil, played by Greg James (Birds of Neptune). Along the way she discovers that corruption begins on a personal level. The best stories are not just situations, but events that unfold, and the story follows a character study about what someone will do to get ahead, and what they will leave behind to get there.
Producer Todd Freeman says, “I first met Chris about 6 months ago and he told me of this film that he and his crew were making. He continued to tell me about their dedication as well as began showing me all of the pre-visualization and work that they had already put into the film. That would all be cool, but ultimately empty, if the story was not up to snuff. I can honestly say it’s one of the most exciting show pieces that I’ve come across. These young men and women are the real deal and this is one hell of an exciting project to be a part of.”
The film is currently gearing up for production next month and just recently launched a KickStarter campaign for the project.
To find out more and to stay up to date with “Reality Check” go to:

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