
August 5, 2013

Filthy Review - 'Do Not Disturb'

Do Not Disturb (2013)

Review by Jude Felton

There were two reasons that Do Not Disturb jumped out at me, and in turn made me want to review it, and both starred in two classics from the 80s’. First off, there’s Corey Haim, who we all know and love from The Lost Boys, and then, more interestingly, is Stephen Geoffreys, who lit up the screen in Fright Night, before going off to do his thing (quite literally). Sure, there was also 976-Evil, which was fun, but it is his turn as Evil Ed that we all remember.

So, the big question to me was, would this just turn out to be some sort of novelty flick? A couple of stars of my childhood back on the screen, or would it actually deliver the goods? I can tell you right now, it’s a very entertaining and dark movie. It’s not without its flaws, but I thoroughly enjoyed what I saw.

The film follows Dan Malek (Geoffreys), who following a tragedy has holed himself up in a seedy hotel to continue his writing. Well, the plan is to write, but he actually has a nice sideline in dishing out vengeance on those who have wronged him, or wronged his friends. Basically, he enjoys making others suffer.

Tiffany Shepis, looking as wonderful as ever, pops up as Malek’s agent, and even after discovering what he is up to, doesn’t turn and run. In fact, she’s just as devious as he is. There are also plenty of other characters that come and go, including Corey Haim as some weird drunk English rock star, but that really is nothing more than an extended cameo.

The real star is Geoffreys, and he is just a joy to watch. Evil Ed may be no more; however, Malek really is evil. Or is he? Obviously there’s a reason he does what he does, and Geoffreys really nails the part. His character is tragic and funny, ultimately very violent and incredibly watchable.

The film itself is a dark and seedy affair, as befits the subjects matter, and director BC Furtney does a good job of bringing everything to the screen. Sure, I could have done without Haim’s character, and Ezra Buzzington is a little underused, but still impressive. However, with Geoffreys and Shepis delivering the goods, and moderate grue, there is plenty here for you to enjoy.

What is a shame is the lack of any extras on the DVD. I’m sure something could have been added in, but alas there is nothing. Still, the film itself is enjoyable enough to make this worth your time checking out. It’s damned good to see Geoffreys back in the horror, or thriller, genre and I hope it’s not too long before we see him again. Good fun for sure!

Do Not Disturb is released on DVD on August 6th from RLJ and Image Entertainment.

1 comment:

  1. Geoffreys is looking pretty good, considering...Haim on the other - did they shoot this after he died?
