
July 21, 2013

Filthy Music Review - 'Evil Dead: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack'

Evil Dead: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (2013)

Roque Banos

La La Land Records

Review by Jude Felton

As per usual the remake debate rages on, with both sides of the argument being as heatedly passionate as the other, and the Evil Dead remake is no different. Well, maybe slightly different, being as though it has received more praise than many. Personally, I thought it was a terrific film, and you can check out my review here if you so desire. If, like me, you did like it then you may also want to check out the soundtrack, which is actually the score, from Roque Banos.

I’d held out on reviewing it for a month or two now, purely because I wanted to see the film first and I missed it at the theater. Well, that has been rectified now and it has allowed me to appreciate this wonderful score in a whole new light, or darkness.

The fully orchestrated score captures the feel of the movie perfectly, as any good score should. Banos’ use of strings and pianos complement each other perfectly, with the former offering up the thrills and shocks, whilst the piano offers up a little respite from the frenetic action. What is also noticeable is that this score also manages to pay homage, in a way, to Raimi’s original flick in terms of tone and sound; especially on The Evil Dead Main Theme.

Where I was a little surprised is that there are parts that reminded me of the scores to the Friday the 13th flicks, with the shrill strings, rather than the kill, kill, kill moments. Surprising, but not unwelcome to these ears. Banos has created a score that perfectly sits in the present day and Fede Alvarez’s movie, as it should, yet also has the classic 80s vibe to it. There aren’t necessarily any great hooks, which you might find in some scores, but it does sit very well as a score you will return to.

As a fan of Alvarez’s movie this is the perfect accompaniment to the film and offers up exactly what I want from a film score, and at 71 minutes you are certainly getting value for money.


1. I’ll Rip Your Soul Out (4:50)
2. Sad Memories (5:21)
3. Don’t Say It, Don’t Write It, Don’t Hear It (4:42)
4. Demon Possession (Extended) (4:21)
5. Get Me Out Of Here (5:24)
6. She Tried To Kill Me (2:31)
7. He Won’t Let You Out (2:45)
8. Bloody Kiss (2:23)
9. Three Ways Of Saving Her Soul (4:02)
10. Natalie Hunting (5:34)
11. I’ll Do What I Gotta Do (Extended) (8:42)
12. Come Back To Me (3:02)
13. He’s Coming (3:21)
14. Abominations Rising (6:58)
15. The Pendant / Evil Tango (3:21)
16. The Evil Dead Main Theme (1:41)
17. Come Back To Me (Alternate) (2:01)

The Evil Dead Original Motion Picture Soundtrack is available now from La La Land Records.

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