This July will see Steven C. Miller's latest movie, Under the Bed, hit VOD, Blu/DVD and theaters from XLrator Media. Released under the Macabre imprint it will hit VOD on July 3rd, theaters July 19th and Blu/DVD on July 30th. Having been impressed with Miller's last two flicks, The Aggression Scale and Silent Night, I am quite looking forward to this one. You can check out the trailer and some stills after the break.
SYNOPSIS: Every child knows about the monster under the bed—Neal Hausman’s mistake was trying to fight it. Neal (Jonny Weston, Chasing Mavericks) has returned from a two-year exile following his tragic attempt to defeat the monster, only to find his father ticking ever closer to a breakdown, a new stepmother who fears him, and his little brother Paul (Gattlin Griffith, Green Lantern, Changeling), terrorized by the same monster. While Neal and Paul work together to try and fight the nocturnal menace, their parents are taking desperate measures to get the family back to normal. With no support from their parents, the brothers have nothing to rely on but each other, and courage beyond belief.
Looks good to me