
June 12, 2013

Get inside the mind of a killer with 'I'm Not Guilty'

Serial killers are a strange breed, don't you think? So many get a weird sort of adulation, which other murderers never get. Ted Bundy is without a doubt one of the most famous, not to mention prolific, serial killers of the 20th century, and this new book takes a look deep into the violent criminal mind. Written by Dr. Al Carlisle PhD, I'm Not Guilty is available now.

I'm Not Guilty is an in-depth look at the development of a violent criminal mind.  Dr. Al Carlisle PhD evaluated Ted Bundy for the Utah court when he was first arrested, and then later escaped.  Dr. Carlisle compiled extensive interviews with family, lovers, investigators, and the killer himself. He would love to have his book featured on your website, and is available for interviews.

The majority of Dr. Carlisle's career has been as a psychologist at the Utah State Prison, then as a consultant for the Salt Lake Rape Crisis Center for several years. He currently conducts workshops on serial homicide and other crime topics for Law Enforcement Agencies. 

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