
June 2, 2013

Filthy Music Review - 'Voyag3r: Victory in the Battle Chamber'

Voyag3r – Victory in the Battle Chamber (2013)

Bellyache Records

Review by Jude Felton

When it comes to movies I’d, by far, much rather have a score as the soundtrack, as opposed to individual bands. As much as I like death metal et al, I don’t really want to hear it blaring away while I’m viewing a film. That’s partly why I enjoy a lot of movies from the 70s and 80s; some of the most memorable scores come from those decades. The movies of John Carpenter, most of the stuff coming out of Italy and even Vince DiCola’s work on Rocky 4, among many others, all stick in the mind to this very day.

Hailing from Detroit rock city, Voyag3r (pronounced Voyager 3) have embraced these very scores and movies and in turn created their own musical soundscapes. Now, Victory in the Battle Chamber is not a soundtrack from any film, but both tunes contained on this 7” very well could be. Hell, the title and artwork alone conjures up the video heyday of Cannon Video and Mad Max, and the music delivers in spades. There may only be two songs here, but I can assure you that if you’re a fan of the aforementioned styles and artists, you’ll lap this up.

Consisting of Steve Greene (Synthesizers), Greg Mastin (Drums) and Aaron Greene (Guitars), Voyag3r take you on a musical voyage back to a time long since passed, unfortunately, in film. Listening to Victory in the Battle Chamber you are going to hear a definite John Carpenter vibe, but also Tangerine Dream, Vangelis and DiCola. It’s a bloody joy to listen to, as a film score fan, and the Synthesizer is king (without overshadowing the guitar or drum work).

That’s not to say that this will only appeal to the movie geek out there, even though they should lap it up, as the music is top-notch. Both tunes, the title track and Hunted Becomes Hunter, are multi-layered, textured and almost dream-like excursions in a world where the hero battles valiantly to achieve his or her goal. This is Snake Plissken, Joe T. Armstrong (look it up!) and the like kicking ass and taking names, and making it look good accompanied by a killer score.

Do yourself a favor and order yourself the 7” (linked below), which also comes with a digital copy, while you have the chance. There are only 500 copies available, and I’ve already ordered one of them! One thing that Victory in the Battle Chamber has succeeded in, aside from kick-ass music, is get me ready and waiting for a full-length release. Hopefully the wait won’t be too long.

Track List:

1. Victory in the Battle Chamber
2. Hunted Becomes Hunter

Victory in the Battle Chamber is released on limited edition 7" vinyl by Bellyache Records on June 4th.

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