
June 12, 2013

Filthy Giveaway - 'Skull World' DVD - Closed

Over the past few months or so, you'll have no doubt seen me rattling on about the quite wonderful Skull World documentary, from The Collapsed director Justin McConnell. Well, that's with good reason; it's bloody good! Anyhoo, it's about to hit Blu-ray and DVD (on June 18th) from IndieCan, Raven Banner and Unstable Ground, and I have got 3 copies of the DVD up for grabs! Read on for more details.


Greg Sommer is an enigma wrapped inside a mystery, encased in a Jean-Jacket Vest. Greg, and his alter-ego SKULL MAN, are at war. Box Wars that is.

Welcome to Greg's world - filled with warriors, magic, metal and glory. Greg is building the Canadian chapter of BOXWARS, an international underground movement of Cardboard-based combat.

SKULL WORLD follows two years in the life of Greg, and sheds light on exactly what makes him, and his goals in life, so unique. A comedic and moving global journey awaits, from Canada to Australia.


To be in with a chance of winning one of three copies of Skull World, just send an email, with Skull World in the title, to and include your name and mailing address, and I will pick three winners on June 17th.

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