
June 10, 2013

Danish Body Horror Flick 'Postpartum' Shooting This Summer

This August will see the Danish body horror flick, Postpartum, from director Michael Panduro go into filming. The plot involves a young couple who discover an abandoned infant whilst out hiking, and comes with the tagline 'A Film about Having Children'. For more information, including the teaser, news about the soundtrack mixtape and crowdfunding, head on over the break.

"Postpartum" is a feature length tale of having children - and all the bodily horrors that come with it. It's a psychological, slightly surreal and very gory horror-film, that plays on the idea of children as parasites and explores themes not normally seen in Danish cinema. Think Cronenberg's "The Brood" mixed with Von Trier's "Antichrist" and you're getting close.
It is also the feature film debut of award-winning music video director Michael Panduro, who's work has caused a bit of a stir from time to time, challenging the boundaries of gore, sexual allegory and general good taste in music videos.
We don't want to spoil the plot here, as there are some surprises in there. But if you're into folks like early David Cronenberg (or indeed junior's "Antiviral"), Shinya Tsukamoto and Marina de Van, then you will be into this (we hope)!

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