One convention that I have always wanted to attend, but due to the sheer logistics of travelling to, have been unable to, is the Texas Frightmare Weekend. This year it runs from May 3-5 and there's a shit-ton of cool movies and guests going to be there. Movies include Maniac, Sightseers and the just announced Axe Giant: The Wrath of Paul Bunyan, which stars no less than Grizzly Adam's himself, Dan Haggerty. More details below!
Texas Frightmare Weekend Announces Expanded Schedule, New Guests
Additional celebrities, film screenings, and attractions mark TFW's biggest year to date
Additional celebrities, film screenings, and attractions mark TFW's biggest year to date
Dallas, Texas – Texas Frightmare Weekend is back with a vengeance May 3rd through the 5th, offering up additional celebrity guests, nearly 100 incredible vendors, and more new films than ever! Today, our 2013 extravaganza proudly welcomes Gary Jones' AXE GIANT: THE WRATH OF PAUL BUNYAN and star Dan Haggerty (Grizzly Adams, himself!), who joins our ever-growing list of top horror celebrities descending upon The Hyatt Regency DFW next month!
On Friday, May 3rd, the mammoth festival opens its doors at 6PM (5PM for VIPs), welcoming bone-chilling panels on Pet Sematary, Gary and Jake Busey, and more! Films that evening includeChristmas with the Dead at 6PM, the aforementioned Axe Giant at 10PM, and Jacob and Scream Park at midnight!
On Saturday, May 4th, Texas Frightmare kicks off a powerful threefer of hotly-anticipated chillers from IFC Films, with the Texas Premiere of Franck Khalfoun’s Maniac remake at 8PM, Ben Wheatley’s stunning Sightseersat 10PM, and Neil Jordan’s Byzantium, the acclaimed Interview with the Vampire director’s long-awaited return to the land of the undead, at midnight! Also screening on Saturday is Rodrigo GudiƱo's The Last Will and Testament of Rosalind Leigh and Chuck Norfolk's gross-out comedy Haunted Trailer (both at 6PM), Mark Beal's vampiric Enchiridion at 8PM, and The Rocky Horror Picture Show at midnight! Saturday's panel line-up includes The World of Stuart Gordon, TFW's Alien reunion, the witches of The Lords of Salem, Danny Trejo, and much more!
And Sunday, May 5th, we've got even more happening, with panels featuring Clu and John Gulager, Dee Wallace, and Tom Savini - as well as a very special matinee screening of Adjust Your Tracking: The Untold Story of a VHS Collector at 1PM!
All film screenings are completely free for passholders, and will conveniently take place at The Hyatt Regency DFW – the home of Texas Frightmare Weekend! Want more? The hotel's also hosting Friday night's Circus of the Damned party (free to VIP and Premium passholders), "Frightmakers" filmmaking panels, and Saturday's popular late night Scaryoke!
TFW is arguably America’s largest gathering of horror celebrities, professionals, and fans – now celebrating its eighth amazing year. The blockbuster event boasts over 10,000 attendees annually and has hosted hundreds of genre legends, including George A. Romero, Clive Barker, Malcolm McDowell, Robert Englund, John Carpenter, Tobe Hooper, and Cary Elwes!
Alongside newly-announced guests Dan Haggerty, Steve Railsback, and artist Bernie Wrightson, TFW's 2013 unbelievable roster includes Alien stars Tom Skeritt and Veronica Cartwright, Danny Trejo, Virginia Madsen, the cast of AMC’s The Walking Dead, Marilyn Burns, Gary and Jake Busey, Jeffrey Combs, Denise Crosby, Sean Patrick Flanery, Stuart Gordon, Meg Foster, Clu and John Gulager, Mariel Hemingway, Jordan Ladd, Mary Lambert, Heather Langenkamp, Tyler Mane, Bill Moseley, David Naughton, Steve Niles, Tom Savini, Dee Wallace, pro-wrestler George “The Animal” Steele, and many more!
Daily and weekend passes are available at
Look for the festival schedule and even more announcements online soon at!
Look for the festival schedule and even more announcements online soon at!
I'm totally going to this, and I can't freaking wait! Already started planning out what panels and movies I want to go to. High on the list are the Pet Sematary and Alien panels, the screening for Maniac, and the Tom Savini panel. Also would really like to go to the midnight showing of Rocky Horror, but since I'm staying at a different hotel, I'm not sure that will work out...