
April 11, 2013

Filthy Music Review - 'Snow White's Poison Bite - Featuring: Dr. Gruesome and the Gruesome Gory Horror Show'

Snow White’s Poison Bite – Featuring: Dr. Gruesome and the Gruesome Gory Horror Show (2013)

Victory Records

Review by Jude Felton

Whether they you, or they, like it or not, just about every band has an ‘image’. Some are more profound than others, and some are more subtle, but they all have them. What is most important, above all else though, is that the music backs up any image. Those that don’t have the tunes invariably fade to obscurity as soon as the rest of the world catches on to them.

Snow White’s Poison Bite, who hail from sunny Finland, aside from having a rather unique name, do have a very strong image; we’re in cartoonish horror metal mode here, but by god do they have the tunes to back this up. After just a couple of spins of Dr. Gruesome and the Gruesome Gory Horror Show I was singing along like a deranged harpy.

Musically speaking they aren’t offering up all that much in terms of originality, but they are damned good at what they do. Imagine a gory blend of The Misfits, Murderdolls, My Chemical Romance, with some bad-ass breakdowns and a dash of The Nightmare Before Christmas thrown in, and you’ll get a pretty good picture of what Snow White’s Poison Bite are all about.

The album starts off fairly slowly, with the protracted intro, and it isn’t really until the third track, There’s a New Creep on the Block, that the album hits full speed. From here on in its balls to wall sing-a-long catchy horror-styled metal. Will you Meet me in the Graveyard is just too damned catchy for its own good, and Halloween Means Death is just a gem, with its “trick or treat motherfuckers, aren’t you scared?” hook being a killer.

This is an album full of 4 minutes metal anthems, but for me the absolute high point, of a very good album, is track 8, Zombie Romance. Featuring a guest appearance from a certain Michael Graves, the song starts off in a real old school 50s’ style Doo Wop ballad, before crunching into a great drive-in belter.

Having not heard Snow White’s Poison Bite’s previous album, or EPs, I was not really sure what to expect. Having played the album through many, many times though I am completely sold on it; it’s an absolute blast. A couple of weak tracks aside, which bookend the album, this is a great fun album. It’s just the right blend of catchy, heavy as fuck, with an old school horror vibe to it. 


1. Gruesomely Introducing: Dr. Gruesome and the Gruesome Gory Horror Show
2. The Gruesome Gory Horror Show
3. There's a New Creep on the Block
4. Will You Meet me in the Graveyard?
5. Halloween Means Death
6. Count Dracula Kid!
7. Dr. Gruesome
8. Zombie Romance 
9. Lurking Inside of You
10. The Show must Gruesomely End

Featuring: Dr. Gruesome and the Gruesome Gory Horror Show is released on April 16th by Victory Records.

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