
March 14, 2013

Filthy Music Review - 'The Modern Age Slavery: Requiem For Us All'

The Modern Age Slavery – Requiem For Us All (2013)

Pavement Entertainment Inc.

Review by Jude Felton

Having been a fan of death metal since way back in the 80s’, it always irritates me when I hear complaints about how the genre has been bastardized. In particular, the scorn shown towards the so-called deathcore bands. Now, granted, there is some absolute toss out there and I really can’t get my head around the weird kung-fu style high-kicking mosh pits these days, but it is what it is. Variety is the spice of life, and I’ll take good music where I find it, thank you very much.

Now, you may well think that due to the above intro that Italian skull-crushers, The Modern Age Slavery, fall into the deathcore category, but it is not as simple as that. Their sophomore album, Requiem For Us All, might well piss off some death metal traditionalists, but it really shouldn’t. Yes, there are some deathcore styling’s to be found on the album, but it is also a full-on death metal assault; it’s the best of both worlds, if you ask me.

Requiem For Us All is not an album that will dazzle you with its rich and experimental variety. Instead it is a sonic barrage right from the opening bars of the title track, which opens the album. This is land speed record death metal that hurtles along, battering all those in its path, with the only pauses for breath being some monumental breakdowns to slap you around the head.

This album’s strengths are also its weaknesses though, with the constant barrage leaving little room for variety between the ten tracks, aside from a crushing cover version of Sepultura’s Arise, which closes the album. Don’t get me wrong though, it’s musically accomplished, hits the listener like a wrecking ball and will scare the hell out of the Hot Topic crowd.

Overall, as far as second albums go, Requiem For Us All, does a great job of moving The Modern Age Slavery forward. Despite the lack of variety it is still a hell of an album that ensures a bright future for this Italian band. Plus, there’s also the added bonus of some fantastic artwork on the cover. Death metal or Deathcore, I couldn’t care less; as this is a damned solid album.


1. Requiem for us All
2. The Dawn Prayer
3. Obedience
4. The Silent Death of Cain
5. Ivory Cage
6. Opiate for the Masses
7. Slaves of Time
8. Icon of a Dead World
9. Requiem to my Nation
10. Arise

Requiem for us All is released on March 19th by Pavement Entertainment Inc.

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