
March 13, 2013

Filthy Music Review - 'Goatcraft: All For Naught'

Goatcraft – All for Naught (2013)

Forbidden Records

Review by Jude Felton

Never judge a book by its cover; isn’t that what they say? Well, that’s just as well as this is not a book. The same mantra should very well apply though, as on a first glance at the artwork for the debut album from Goatcraft, you might well be expecting some harsh black metal from Scandinavia. What you will get it something entirely very different, although you may find that its rotten heart beats from the same broken chest.

Hailing from Texas, Goatcraft is a one piece band, consisting of the wonderfully named Lonegoat, who with All for Naught has cast out this quite unique album. Do not expect guitars, drums or even vocals, as this is just under an hour of truly atmospheric piano work. Yes, piano work. Keep reading, as quite frankly it rocks.

Opening with Call Me Judas, I was immediately reminded of the films Suspiria and Calvaire (yep, the creepy bar scene), along with some more gothic horror of years gone by. However, there is far more to this album than nods, directly or indirectly, to horror films as Goatcraft create a wonderfully heavy soundscape of tunes that speak to me in the way black metal or even death metal does. You can put All for Naught in the player of your choice, crank it up and get taken away to a cold and barren place, while the haunting music sweeps over you.

Due to its style, and creation, I wouldn’t exactly say that it is the sort of album that you’ll be humming along to, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that it is a most enjoyable piece of work. If you are looking for something a little different, maybe some time away from blast beats and crunching riffs, then I would highly recommend this. It’s music for those with an open mind, who aren’t afraid to experiment with their music.

Personally speaking, I can’t get enough of it right now. I listen to a lot of my new music whilst driving, and believe it or not this is perfect whilst speeding through the countryside, passing the still leafless trees and snow-tipped mountains. If you thought piano music could not be heavy, I suggest you give Goatcraft a listen. A very impressive album.


1. Call Me Judas
2. Infinite Death
3. Goat Will Riot
4. Gate I
5. Isolation Ripens
6. Vestibule to the Abyss
7. Laconism of the Cosmos
8. Gate II
9. Everything Will Die
10. The Rape of Europa
11. Consciousness is a Disease

All For Naught is released on March 20th by Forbidden Records.

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