
March 19, 2013

Filthy Giveaway - 'Tormented 3D' Blu-ray -Closed

April 2nd will see Takashi Shimizu's Tormented 3D hit Blu-ray, and thanks for the fine and upstanding folk at Well Go USA I have a copy to giveaway. The release comes with both the 2D and 3D versions of the film, although you will need the correct equipment in order to play the multi-dimensional version. Tormented was originally released in Japan with the title Rabbit Horror 3D. 

Daigo doesn't speak anymore. Not since he killed that rabbit on the playground at school. His sister, Kiriko, is worried. He's bullied. He sleepwalks. And their father is no help, trapped in his own grief and illustrating fantasy worlds where families are happily reunited and no one dies.  They never should have gone to that 3D movie. The one with the stuffed rabbit that floated out of the screen. Now Daigo is missing. He's in danger, and Kiriko will have to follow him into a world of nightmares to discover the truth. And the truth is worse than any dream.

To be in with a chance of winning a copy of Tormented 3D on Blu-ray, just shoot me an email to, with Tormented in the title, and include your name and mailing address. Folk have lost out on winning in the past due to not including an address. Their loss. I will draw one winner on April 1st, and mail the lucky fool the Blu-ray out via carrier pigeon.

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