
February 13, 2013

'The Last Exorcism Pt 2' motion poster debuts

As you can see above, the new motion poster for The Last Exorcism Pt 2 has just debuted. Very nice it is too. The film opens theatrically on March 1st and, as with the first film, is produced by Eli Roth.
Compiled by Dr. Ysamur M. Flores-Peña, Associate Professor, UCLA
  • 42% of Americans believe in possession by the devil.
  • There are dozens of references of Jesus exorcising demons in the Gospels.
  • Exorcisms can be done on inanimate objects or places as well as on people. These need not be "real exorcisms" but can be "simple exorcisms" (usually thought of as baptizing the infant or "blessing" the house or place).
  • By conservative estimates, there are at least five or six hundred evangelical exorcism ministries in operation today, and quite possibly two or three times this many.
  • The Catholic Church has at least 10 official exorcists in the US
Directed by: Ed Gass-Donnelly
Written by: Ed Gass-Donnelly, Damien Chazelle
Cast: Ashley Bell 
Studio: CBS Films
Continuing where the first film left off, Nell Sweetzer (Ashley Bell) is found terrified and alone in rural Louisiana. Back in the relative safety of New Orleans, Nell realizes that she can't remember entire portions of the previous months only that she is the last surviving member of her family. Just as Nell begins the difficult process of starting a new life, the evil force that once possessed her is back with other, unimaginably horrific plans that mean her last exorcism was just the beginning.

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