
February 20, 2013

Second Sight 'Scanners' Blu-ray details - Plus Scanners 2 & 3 [Updated]

April 8th will see Second Sight Films release one of my personal favorites on Steelbook Blu-ray. Scanners, from director Davd Cronenberg, will get the HD treatment and comes with a great selection of special features. Also set for release on the same day will be Scanners 2 and Scanners 3, both on single release Blu-ray. These releases are NOT going to be region free, as I previously posted, due to contractual issues.

Scanners, one of the most iconic horror films of the eighties from legendary director David Cronenberg (Cosmopolis, A History of Violence, TheFly), comes to Blu-ray  for the first time in a highly collectable limited edition steelbook thanks to Second Sight Films.

Drifter Cameron Vale (Stephen Lack – Dead Ringers) is plagued by incessant voices in his head unaware that he is a"Scanner" a person with extraordinary powers who can not only read minds but literally tear them apart. He soon encounters Dr Paul Ruth (Patrick McGoohan – The Prisoner), a scientist trying to help his kind adapt to society but another underground movement of Scanners led by the psychotic Derryl Revok
(Michael Ironside – Total Recall), have other intentions and the ultimate confrontation of minds await.

This cult classic horror comes to Blu-ray as a limited edition steelbook along with a DVD release on 8 April
2013 complete with a slew of brilliant new special features including:

• MY ART KEEPS ME SANE – Interview with star Stephen Lack
• THE EYE OF SCANNERS – Interview with cinematographer Mark Irwin
• THE CHAOS OF SCANNERS – Interview with executive producer Pierre David
• EXPLOPING BRAIN POPPING VEINS – Interview with makeup effects artist Stephen Dupuis
• BAD GUY DANE – Interview with actor Lawrence Dane

Scanners II: The New Order and Scanners III: The Takeover will also be released for the first time on Blu-ray only as single releases on 8 April 2013

Scanners II: The New Order is the sequel to David Cronenberg’s original classic. A corrupt, power crazed police official has high ambitions and plans to use the
telepathic power of Scanners to achieve his goal. With the aid of a scientist and a
new drug he believes he can control their minds to do his bidding; but a rogue
Scanner has other plans.

Scanners III: The Takeover is the final installment of the trilogy that began with
David Cronenberg’s classic shocker, a Scanner named Helena takes an experimental drug which turns her into a psychotic killer. As she goes on a
murderous rampage with visions of word domination, only one man can stop her;
her brother Alex.

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