
February 14, 2013

Filthy Music Review - 'Krypts: Unending Degradation'

Krypts - Unending Degradation (2013)

Dark Descent Records

Review by Jude Felton

Maybe it’s ironic, but Death Metal is far from dead. In fact I think it is safe to say that it is very much alive and kicking; especially good Death Metal. Bands such as Sweden’s Degial and Necrowretch from France, with their excellent albums, Death’s Striking Wings and Putrid Death Sorcery respectively, have delivered the goods in spades, and there’s plenty more out there. One such band is Krypts, who hail from Finland, and their demonic slab of death, Unending Degradation.

Following their demo in 2009 and an EP in 2011, Krypts have belched forth their debut album and it’s a brute; a lumbering juggernaut of low-end Death Metal that almost borders on Doom, with its morose execution. Guttural vocals course over the heavy as fuck guitar sound, as Krypts take us on a brutal and bleak journey.

Opening with Perpetual Beyond, Unending Degradation doesn’t let up until Beneath the Archaic bleeds from the speakers. While there might not be too much in the way of variety here, the music that is contained on the album is of a consistently high quality and is performed with great conviction. This is Death Metal with no gimmicks, just a flat-out assault. It’s definitely a more mid-paced effort, which only serves to amplify the sheer heaviness of the album. Fear ye not though, as Krypts are not averse to stepping on the gas every once in a while, such as on The Black Smoke.

So, I think it is very fair to say that Krypts have delivered the goods, and some, and if you’re a fan of Death Metal, as I am, you will definitely want to get your hands on this; it will crush you.


1. Introeon: Perpetual Beyond
2. Blessed Entwinement
3. Open the Crypt
4. Dormancy of the Ancients
5. Inhale…
6. The Black Smoke
7. Day of Reckoning
8. Beneath the Archaic

Unending Degradation is released on February 19th by Dark Descent Records.

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