
December 2, 2012

The Lair of Filth hits Hudson Horror Show 666 (or Filth and Terror go to the movies!)

Upon awakening on December the 1st, I just knew it would be an horrific day. Horrific in the sense that I would be getting to see a bevy of horror and exploitation flicks on the big screen, in glorious 35mm. The reason for this? Why, it was the day of Hudson Horror Show 6 at Silver Cinemas South Hill 8 in Poughkeepsie, New York, that’s why!

This was to be my first time attending, to my shame, but it will not be my last, of that you can be sure. I’ve already made plans to attend HHS 7, which should be in the Spring of 2013. Anyway, I left the house at just after 9.30am, as the first film was due to start at 12.30pm and I had a two hour drive ahead of me. The drive itself was fairly pleasant, with the majority of it being on the eerily quiet and fog-enshrouded I-84, and it wasn’t until I was in farting distance on the theater that the GPS decided to fuck with me. You see, the theater is located at the back of a mall and the GPS decided to take me round in circles. Nevertheless, I arrived at the venue only 10 minutes later than planned.

Once inside, after having to queue in the bloody cold New York outdoors, I quickly made my way to the t-shirt stand. Wise move, as the limited edition event shirts quickly sold out. For those that were too late to buy one at the theater if wasn’t all doom and gloom though, as the organizers informed everyone that they would run a second print and mail them out to anyone who left their details. Nice move, chaps.

It was about now that I would meet up with the one and only James Harris aka Jimmy Terror of Doctor Terror’s Blog of Horrors ( We had hoped to meet up at March’s Monster Mania in New Jersey, but alas that was not to be. So, it was great to finally meet up with him.

Then it was on to check out the vendors stalls, which included the good folk from from whom I picked up a copy of Trick or Treat later in the day. There were movies, soundtracks, comics, magazines, artwork and various other knick-knacks for sale from the vendors, all of whom seemed to be doing decent business. I also grabbed myself a copy of Last House on the Beach, which I have wanted to see for ages.

On to the movies then, after all that is why we were all here! First up was the 1975 flick The Devil’s Rain, which stars William Shatner, Ernest Borgnine and Tom Skerritt, and I absolutely loved it. Laden with Satanism, uber-cheesy dialogue and Shatner’s mad acting skills, this was the perfect way to start off the day. Ever want to see where Michael Myers’ Shatner mask originated from? Watch The Devil’s Rain and you will find out.

During the short break that followed The Devil’s Rain it was time to meet up with the human movie machine, Justin LaLiberty. Again, was great to meet up with him finally; a diamond geezer indeed.

The second film on the schedule was the original slasher flick Black Christmas from 1974. Bob Clark’s festive horror flick was a blast, with the perfect blend of horror and humor, not forgetting Margot Kidder’s delightful performance as the drunken Barb. It’s not my favorite film, but it was still good fun and great to see on the big screen.

Smoke break and snack time followed, before heading into the dark horse of the show; that being Jack Hill’s Switchblade Sisters. I will admit to not knowing much about this film, but I needn’t have worried. Made in 1975, Switchblade Sisters, aka The Jezebels, was a glorious movie about the hard-hitting girl gang The Dagger Debs, and featured plenty of ass-kicking action, and yet more dialogue liberally covered with cheese.

After the surprising delight of Switchblade Sisters it was onto the film I was most excited about; Phantasm 2. I first saw the film on VHS back when it was released in 1988, and have been a huge fan of the series since I first saw the first film around the same time, maybe a year earlier. I would have been a happy man if this was the only film I watched, as Mikey and Reggie go on the hunt for the Tall Man. Blood, yellow goo and big shiny balls ahoy! I love this film and to see it at the theater was truly a joy.

My final film of the day was Re-Animator, from 1985. I had to leave before the final film, Conan the Barbarian, due to the 2 hour drive and the fact that the show was running a little behind schedule, which would have meant getting home at maybe 3am. Back to Re-Animator though, and it doesn’t matter how many times I see this film, it is pure horror/comedy genius. Gore aplenty, great dialogue and a terrific cast, it is one of my all-time favorites and rocked on the big screen.

So, as I mentioned, I had to make the drive home after Re-animator, and if the journey up was foggy, nothing prepared me for the fog on the way home. I could see literally only 50 feet in front of me, and due to this had to limit my speed. Still, I made it home ahead of schedule, my head still buzzing from the great day out I just had.

If you get the chance to go to a Hudson Horror Show, I highly recommend that you do; you’ll have a blast. Aside from the movies and vendors, there was also plenty of swag given away, and we also got treated to some old school movie trailers before each film, some of which I now have to track down the movies themselves. Duel of the Iron Fists? The Devil Inside Her? Yes please!

All that remains for me to say is to thank Chris and Errol, and everyone else involved in the organizing and running of the show, for putting on a great show; it was an absolute blast from start to finish!

Roll on spring 2013!

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