
December 7, 2012

'Nidingr' want you to puke blood with their new single

Norwegian Black Metal band Nidingr have unveiled the second single from their latest album, Greatest of Deceivers. You can check out Vim Patior for yourself after the break.

Notes guitarist Teloch of the new tune: “‘Vim Patior’ contains all the elements you all love aboutNIDINGR: blastbeats, shredding guitars, sweet ass bass lines, guttural vocals, catchy riffing without turning your ears to cheese… But at the same time we introduce some of the new elements we are doing all over the new album: riffs that will make you puke blood and cry.”

NIDINGR’s Greatest Of Deceivers was released in North America last month. The recent Indie Recordings signees feature within their illustrious ranks past and present members of Mayhem, Gorgoroth, DHG (Dødheimsgard), 1349 and God Seed, among others, and have become notorious for their efficiently complex songwriting, dissonant, yet infinitely catchy riff onslaughts and maniacal tempos.

G.O.D. was recorded at Crystal Canyon Studios in Oslo — home to a host of prominent Norwegian acts including cult experimentalists Ulver — produced by Teloch, mixed by Anders Møller (Kitchie Kitchie Ki Me O, Euroboys, 120 Days, Turbonegro, etc.) and mastered by Jaime Gomez Arellano at Orgone Studios. Their third full-length continues the theme from Sorrow Infinite And Darkness, based on Enochian texts. As on the previous album, ten Enochian Æthyrs are evoked through the course of the album.

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