
November 23, 2012

"Iron Fist' magazine is going to knock you out!

Since moving to the States, just over 7 years ago, I have noticed that most of the magazines dedicated to the harder side of Metal music have been, shall we say, a bit crap. Due to this I don't bother with them. Both Metal Hammer and Terrorizer are both readily available over here, and both are from back across the pond, and now there is a new pretender ready to join in the fun. That magazine is Iron Fist, and I received the first issue earlier today, thanks to my good friend Neil (of Mordgrimm). The magazine covers all manner of extreme and underground Metal, as well as the more established bands. It is very nicely put together, will come out 6 times a year and clocks in at well over 100 pages. Hopefully Iron Fist will be stocked in Barnes and Nobles store in the US soon, but in the meantime you can check out the links below if you wish to grab a copy.

Issue 1 is only due to be on shelves for another week or so, before Issue 2 (December/January) descends. 

"Featuring a world exclusive interview with Swedish black metal band WATAIN and a cover that was conceived by frontman Erik Danielsson, the debut issue also features a thirty-year retrospective interview with thrash titans Sodom, a harrowing chat with SHINING, a celebration of the genius of SARCOFAGO and GRAND MAGUS as well as the best in new and classic heavy, thrash, doom, death and black metal.
Says editor Louise: “This is a magazine dedicated to heavy metal. No mosh, no core, no trends, but lots of fun. I really hope you dig this. You can’t resist the Devil’s Grip!”

This is the magazine you’ve been waiting for!"

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