
October 27, 2012

The twisted love story 'Jack and Diane' coming to theaters

Not often I will post about a love story here at the Lair, but that's what the new movie Jack and Diane is. Granted, it's one with a difference (check out the article in Fangoria #318). The film, which is directed by Bradley Rust Gray, is currently available on VOD and iTunes, and will be hitting theaters on November 2nd from Magnolia Pictures.

Synopsis: Jack and Diane, two teenage girls, meet in New York City and spend the night kissing ferociously. Diane’s charming innocence quickly begins to open Jack’s tough skinned heart. But when Jack discovers that Diane is moving she pushes her away. Unable to grasp her new feelings, Diane's emotions begin to cause unexplainable violent changes to her body. Through these awkward and insecure feelings, the two girls must struggle to turn their first love into an enduring one.

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