
October 31, 2012

Steven C. Miller's 'Under the Bed' picked up by XLrator Media

Some more great news today, and that is the news that XLrator Media have picked up all the US rights to Steven C. Miller's horror/thriller Under the Bed. Miller recently directed the excellent  The Aggression Scale and the upcoming Silent Night, and Under the Bed should see a release in the Summer of 2013.

LOS ANGELES (October 31, 2012) – On the eve of the American Film Market, XLrator Media has acquired all U.S. rights to UNDER THE BED, the new horror/thriller from the producers of V/H/S and director Steven C. Miller (The Aggression Scale, the upcoming Silent Night). Starring Jonny Weston, the young star of Chasing Mavericks, and Gattlin Griffith (Green Lantern, Changeling), the film tells the story of two brothers who team up to battle the monster living under their bed. XLrator Media will release the film in theaters next summer.
“UNDER THE BED is a loving tribute to all the horror classics I grew up with, from Steven Spielberg’s Poltergeist to Joe Dante’s Gremlins and The Howling to John Carpenter’s The Thing,” said XLrator Media CEO Barry Gordon. “Films like that are rare today and director Steven C. Miller perfectly captures the essence, style and sheer fun of those timeless films for a new generation of fans.” 
UNDER THE BED was produced by Brad Miska (V/H/S, A Horrible Way to Die), Tom Owen (V/H/S) and William Clevinger (The Devil’s Carnival, Automaton Transfusion) and executive produced by Zak Zeman (The Aggression Scale, A Horrible Way to Die) and Miller. Written by Eric Stolze, the film also stars Peter Holden, Musetta Vander and Kelcie Stranahan.
The deal was negotiated by Ehud Bleiberg and Giulia Prenna on behalf of Bleiberg Entertainment and by Gordon on behalf of XLrator Media.

Bleiberg Entertainment’s Compound B label will be handling international rights during AFM and recently sold German rights to Tiberius.

“I’m thrilled to be working again with Barry and Mike at XLrator with whom I released my first film Automaton Transfusion. They completely get the vibe and tone of this picture. I have no doubts this is fantastic hands which, combined with their genre marketing expertise, will get UNDER THE BED out to a broad audience,” said Miller.  
Every child knows about the monster under the bed—Neal Hausman’s mistake was trying to fight it. Neal (Jonny Weston) has returned from a two-year exile following his tragic attempt to defeat the monster, only to find his father ticking ever closer to a breakdown, a new stepmother who fears him, and his little brother Paul (Gattlin Griffith), terrorized by the same monster. While Neal and Paul work together to try and fight the nocturnal menace, their parents are taking desperate measures to get the family back to normal. With no support from their parents, the brothers have nothing to rely on but each other, and courage beyond belief.

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