
October 5, 2012

Filthy Short Film Focus - Joshua and Juggling

Dark and disturbing work is afoot, across the Pond in London. The seemingly innocent are being transformed into things that are far more disturbing, and it's all thanks to filmmaker Tim Porter.

Earlier this year I had the pleasure of watching his film, Juggling, which focuses on Andrew, a busy city worker who is finding it increasingly difficult to separate his personal and professional life. It's a dark short (18 mins), although maybe not in the traditional sense. However, the sense of panic in Andrew's world is portrayed wonderfully.

Tim has followed up Juggling with the far more sinister Joshua. Once again the film is based on an innocent premise, literally just following Joshua's life, whilst his narration accompanies the onscreen events. It isn't too long though before we get to see that all is not quite right in Joshua's world. To say that this short (15 mins) will get inside your head and linger there, is quite the understatement.

The cinematography and editing is quite gorgeous to look at, and the transitioning from color to black and white is subtle yet very effective. The progression from Juggling to Joshua is quite evident, without taking anything away from the former, and both films sit uncomfortably next to each other as fine examples of the dark art of the short film. You can check out the trailer for Juggling, as well as the entire movie of Joshua, below. They might not be what you might class as horror, in the traditional sense, but believe me when I say that both are pushing the boundaries of what we perceive horror to be.

from  .


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