
September 18, 2012

The influential 'Lady Snowblood' Arrow Blu-ray releases are almost upon us

Next Monday, September 24th, will see the Lady Snowblood movies hit Blu-ray for the first time anywhere in the world. Arrow Films will be releasing two lush looking editions of the release; the first being the Blu-ray Steelbook edition, and the second being the Blu-ray/DVD Dual Format Edition. The Lady Snowblood movies were big influences on Quentin Tarantino when he was making the Kill Bill flicks, going so far as to base O-Ren Ishii on Lady Snowblood herself, as well as using the theme music and making the cast of Kill Bill all watch Lady Snowblood. More details on the Lady Snowblood release can be found after the break.

- “Slicing Through the Snow” – An exclusive interview with Japanese cinema expert Jasper Sharp
- Collector’s booklet “The Crimson Kimono” by critic Tom Mes, illustrated with original stills.
- Original theatrical trailers for both films
- High Definition Blu-ray (1080p) and Standard Definition DVD presentation of both features
- Newly translated optional English subtitles
- Original Mono Audio (uncompressed PCM on Blu-ray)

Ltd Edition Steelbook™ – Additional Special Features:
- Limited Edition SteelBook™ packaging

Dual Format Edition – Additional Special Features:
- Reversible sleeve featuring original artwork

Originally adapted from Kazuo Kioke and Kzuo Kamimura’s manga manuscripts, Lady
Snowblood and its sequel Lady Snowblood: Love Song Of Vengeance tell the twisted tale of Yuki,a woman raised from birth for one terrible, blood splattering purpose... murder!

Expertly played by the beautiful but vicious Meiko Kaji (Female Prisoner Scorpion, Blind
Woman’s Curse), Yuki first sets out to maim those who raped her mother and left her rotting in
a stinking women’s prison, where she would later die during childbirth. Trained in deadly
fighting arts and masterful sword play, our new found heroine – Lady Snowblood – is cursed to
wander the lands in pursuit of her targets. She is a demon of vengeance, sated only by the
crimson blood of those who stole her mother from her.

Then, in the second piece of this ultra-violent pie, the stirring sequel – Lady Snowblood: Love
Song of Vengeance – Yuki is caught up in the corrupt and murderous world of politics. As she
works with the secret police, spying on anarchists and enemies of the status quo, expect yet
more outrageous revenge and – of course – fountains of blood.

Packed to the brim with spectacular costume designs, garish sets, beautiful lens-work (courtesy of acclaimed Japanese cinematographer Masaki Tamura), and carefully composed images, the Lady Snowblood film’s influence on Tarantino’s Kill Bill films is clear to see.

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