Dragon Wasps (2012)
Review by Jude Felton
When approaching a movie with a title such as Dragon
Wasps, you need to put your mind in the right place. If you go in expecting a
deadly serious movie, your mind will probably spontaneously combust and really
put a downer on your day. However, if you go into it expecting some SyFy-tastic
style giant bug flick, you will probably fair a little better, and your mind
will in all likelihood remain intact. Am not totally sure about that, but mine
seems okay so far.
The plot follows Gina, an entomologist, who is working in
the jungles of Belize. Whilst working there she happens across some items that
might explain the whereabouts of her Bio-Geneticist father, who went missing
three months prior. So, along with the help of her trusty assistant, they head
off, in very short shorts, deep into the jungle to try and find him.
The jungle itself would be a pain in the ass for anyone
to travel through, but things don’t get any easier when they come across an
Army roadblock. Taken into military custody they explain what they are doing,
and somehow manage to persuade the officer in charge, John Hammond, to help
them on their mission. All is looking rosy for the intrepid duo now, except for
the fact that there are gunrunning drug dealers, led by a fella named Jaguar,
who are hell-bent on making things tougher. On top of that there are giant
fire-breathing wasps, I shit you not, that keep popping up and whisking folk
Dragon Wasps is daft, plain and simple, of that you might
have guessed. Reason and logic don’t always play into this movie, although the
reasoning behind the wasps is kind of explained, in a round-about way. Like I
said though, this isn’t a movie that is to be taken seriously, and if you do
then more fool you.
Visually it’s pretty much what you might expect; there’s
some decent eye-candy, lots of dodgy acting and some ropey looking CGI. Hell,
it’s called Dragon Wasps for chrissakes! It's a cheap and cheerful B movie that
doesn’t demand anything of the audience, aside from some serious suspension of
I watched the film with my 6 year old son and he dug it.
He likes these sort of films; big bugs or any other sort of mutated form of
critter, so that’s saying something. Did I enjoy it? Well, it didn’t offend me
as I had a good idea of what to expect before I watched it. Is it good? Not
really, but there are a few laughs to be had, intentional or otherwise.
Overall, if you like SyFy’s output you’ll probably get
some enjoyment out of it. If not, then you probably aren’t going to watch it
Dragon Wasps is released on R2 DVD by Chelsea Films on September 17th.
Seeing how I like the Syfy movies I might enjoy this is it weren't about giant wasps. lol *shivers*